Commentary: Regarding the Wood Ape and Vocalization
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on August 26th, 2013
[A couple of months after the publication of Testing of Game Cameras for Sound Emissions at the NAWAC web site, Dr. Martin Lenhardt, who supervised the game camera tests, contacted us again. After he noted, “Jane Goodall thinks there may be something to this story,” Dr. Lenhardt asked if we had “access to any sounds this guy makes?” The following reflections were offered in response to receiving recordings of possible North American wood ape vocalizations.]
Who crossed the Bering Strait Land Bridge? This seems like a simple enough question to pose. One obvious answer is humans (Homo sapiens sapiens). In the case of North American apes, the answer is either one or more species of Asian apes or the mythology of their interactions with humans. While North American apes are certainly real in our culture, it has yet to be established that they are a real part of the environment. Scientists have established that ape migrations definitely took place, much along the lines of one or more human migrations out of Africa, so taking the same route as humans into North America is certainly possible.
Unfortunately, the deficiency of details concerning this ape migration hypothesis is compounded by a dearth of physical evidence. However, we do know that the little hominids of Indonesia, Homo floresiensis, not identified by science until recently, were well known to the island’s native people through their oral traditions. Whether or not these “hobbits” still exist, as some researchers hold out as a possibility, has yet to be determined. According to local legends, apelike creatures may still be hiding in the thick tropical forests of Indonesian islands. An aversion to humans (possibly because they are natural predators) seems to be one trait shared by all apes, including, with little doubt, the North American wood ape. However, elusive behaviors are likely to become less and less successful in this day of high technology.
Despite the absence of anatomical evidence that an undocumented species of ape shares our North American environment, a plethora of sightings exist from across the wilderness areas of the continent. Questions regarding the accuracy of such reports are issues for skeptics. Nonetheless, it appears that these creatures can be characterized as being on the size scale above chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and gorillas (Gorilla gorilla), exhibiting sexual dimorphism (larger males), and likely exhibiting similar apish behaviors. Based on what is known about African apes, what can be hypothesized about North American apes?
The skulls of gorillas hold a brain of about 500,000 grams; chimpanzees have smaller skulls and smaller brains (405,000 grams). These values, when contrasted to human values (1,330,000 grams), should produce an awareness of a very different primate than us (Stephen, Frahm, & Baron, 1981). Since brain size varies with body size, a comparative index, the Encephalization Quotient (EQ), was developed as a way of understanding intelligence and the ability to address complex cognitive tasks. Gorillas have an EQ range of 1.53 to 1.76. Chimpanzees have an EQ range of 2.3 to 2.5 and humans vary from 7.39 to 7.79 (Jerison, 1973). Much of our brain function is devoted to language, symbol processing, imagination, and planning. Taking the wood ape as an example, much of its smaller brain (guessing an EQ of about 1.7) might be devoted to sensorimotor processing, the first stage of cognitive development, and not symbolic cognition. Wood apes are primates, they have survived in this world, but doubtlessly not by the same neural strategies employed by humans. We probably share more with the dog, which evolved with us, than with these animals. When you ask your dog to speak, he barks; if you ask that of a wood ape, it will likely throw a rock at you.
The level of communication learned and exhibited by great apes is not comparable to the capabilities of humans. Chimpanzees have a limited vocal repertoire and do not have the ability to generate the range of human speech sounds. Part of this vocal limitation is due to their peripheral anatomy, and part is due to their neurology. When compared to chimpanzees, humans have a larynx positioned much lower in the throat (vocal tract). This placement allows for more articulated movements which results in more sounds. Apes have a tongue located high in the throat along with a low palate, restricting potential speech sounds.
As important as peripheral anatomy is, neurological control of vocal tracts is critical. Primates in the ape line of descent do not have cortical control of vocalizations. That is, they cannot choose when to vocalize or when not to; their vocal tract is under the control of the emotional part of the brain, the limbic system. Even chimpanzees are sometimes incapable of controlling their vocalizations, despite sharing more than 95 percent of our DNA. It is well known that some chimpanzees, even upon discovery of a food treat, cannot inhibit their vocalizations, which often attracts the interest of others. Some go to the extreme of covering their mouth with the hand to muffle their self-generated sounds.
A common sound exhibited by apes, and a sound recorded in the pursuit of wood apes by the North American Wood Ape Conservancy (NAWAC), is the grunt. The ape grunt can be a reflexive sound emitted while producing an effortful behavior, or it can be an alarm call, or it can relate to a social aspect of group behavior. The grunt recordings provided from wood ape encounters seem to be the effort grunts often associated with rock throwing. These grunts appear to be reflexive, but there is no reason to believe they might not be communicative under other circumstances. That is to say, effort grunts might signal the possibility of some form of communication in these animals.
There is evidence that some great apes can whistle, and an orangutan—an Asian ape—has appeared to acquire it spontaneously in the Washington Zoo (Wich et al., 2009). The ability to whistle is part of the lore pertaining to North American apes. Whistling does require some control of the vocal tract, both breath flow and parsing of the lips. Perhaps whistling is how our human species gained control of self-emitted sounds. In humans, the whistled energy exists in a band from about 1,000 to 3,000 Hz (our most sensitive range of airborne hearing) and is intense (130 dB SPL, as measured at the lips). The Silbo, a whistled form of a Spanish dialect, is a language of the Canary Islands that can be heard over a great distance (Rialland, 2006). This kind of ability would provide a clear advantage to North American apes. What a potentially great shared skill!
Meaningful Interactions with wood apes may not be possible. Humans have a tendency to assume that other creatures think like we do (anthropomorphism), or that at least they try, like the movie alien ET. Humans do this with other humans; it is called Theory of Mind (ToM) (Premack & Woodruff, 1978). When a ToM does not develop normally in humans, as with some neurological diseases, glaring social deficits can result (Korkmaz, 2011). We humans do not think exactly the same, but the insight that minds have much in common has fostered a human social culture. There is no reason to believe that wood apes share even a minimal culture comparable to humans, and we should be on guard in the event of interactions. It may be hard to resist the idea that a creature that looks so much like us must share our way of perceiving the world, but it does not. Yes, it may also share much of our DNA, but the wood ape is a very distant cousin, at best. The “Don’t feed the bears” sign in Yellowstone applies.
With the eventual collection of evidence identifying this species, what would be next? These apes will likely fall under federal protection, and rightly so. They are living forms of a shared common ancestor. With federal protection, conservation efforts will follow, just as the NAWAC has already established as a priority. Well done.
What if only the myth of the Asian Apes was brought to our land across the Bering Strait Land Bridge? Myths are not falsehoods; they are beliefs to live by. For the Yokuts in California, for example, the North American ape is part of their creation story. Their ape, called Hairy Man, helped create humans from the soil, making them bipedal, much in keeping with the creation account in Genesis from the Hebrew Bible, but upon seeing him the people were afraid and ran away. Much the same behavior prevails today. The Yokut taught their children about the dangers of their environment by warning them that Hairy Man is out there in the dark and by the rivers. The children were warned not to go out if they heard whistling, a sound made by Hairy Man. Children need to learn roles in their society for their benefit and that of the group, and in this sense, Hairy Man is their teacher (Moskowitz-Strain, 2003, 2012).
This mask is designated as a chief sasquatch mask at the First Peoples Gallery of the Royal B.C. Museum in Victoria, BC. (Generic url is )
Myths provide beliefs and moral stories to live by, and just as the Yokut believe that their Hairy Man was real, so do some of us in the scientific community. If the Yokut are correct, Asian apes migrated here before the first Native Americans. As Jane Goodall might say, it is possible that apes live with us in North America. I want to think they do.
Martin L. Lenhardt, Au.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Virginia Commonwealth University
P.O. Box 0168
Richmond VA 23298-0168
Read the article at the NAWAC website for references and biographical information.
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
from this article;
”Taking the wood ape as an example, much of its smaller brain (guessing an EQ of about 1.7) might be devoted to sensorimotor processing, the first stage of cognitive development, and not symbolic cognition. Wood apes are primates, they have survived in this world, but doubtlessly not by the same neural strategies employed by humans. We probably share more with the dog, which evolved with us, than with these animals. When you ask your dog to speak, he barks; if you ask that of a wood ape, it will likely throw a rock at you.”
ok, then why do they put rocks on top of a straight branch and then lean them against a tree?
is that what the THINK_CONGETATE guns are? rods that shoot rocks?
bigfoot says- ”hey, hairless dude, we don’t like these rock shooters, so leave them behind. this is why we don’t talk to you much.
here is the problem”
it seems pretty obvious to me that it is a symbolic representation direct communication of what a gun is,
and that they have put it on the table right in front of ACTIVE FEILD RESEARCHERS [afr]’s as the first topic to deal with in a truce with us.
it probably is not a representation of anything else, and the lack of anything but stacked rocks and gifts layed down around things, and near threats of boulders placed in tents and such demonstrates a effort to communicate a real concern about what the bigfoot encounter from humans a huge percent of the time, being shot.
500,000 grams i= 1,102 POUNDS. What are these brains made of IMPLODIUM?
And next we find out that human brains (1,330,000 grams, as claimed) weigh 2,932 pounds. OH! MY NECK!!
Somebody’s drunk, and it turns out it ain’t ME.
Apologies for the typos. The units obviously should be shown as milligrams, not grams. We’ll get that corrected as soon as possible.
Thank you for a very good article and it’s nice to see you post Professor.
I can agree with most of the assertions made since we are all still in the learning stage. However, during one of my 5 encounters with the species one of them tried for over 2 hours to engage me in some telepathic game. It didn’t work because we totally lacked any kind of common experience level. This directly supports Profess Lenhardt’s post however I’m sure that this species has some real surprises in store for us.
I’m looking forward to the fall when Professor Sykes presents his paper on the DNA analysis as I think this will lay to rest any further questions on the existence of the species.
If it does it may delay Dr. Higgins plans to collect a specimen of the species. However, again the collection of one specimen should be allowed to allow forensic science to draw firm conclusions about the species and promote their conservation.
Thanks again for an interesting post and my best,
The mask is very interesting-check out the huge cheekbones and howling position of the lips-like a howler monkey does…
Airforce47, Let me ask you a serious question because I’m certainly intrigued by your statement about attempts to engage in telepathy. What can you tell me about that, and your impressions of the event?
Reports of receiving telepathic communications aren’t really that rare in Bigfoot lore. I’ve seen a number of these reports.
To me, it makes a ton of sense that these creatures may have developed telepathic capabilities. I’d love to hear more from Airforce47 on this encounter.
I think there is a generalized tendency to dismiss such reports, because it would force most to rethink what they believe Bigfoots are all about. It forces us to consider that everything we tend to believe about them may be wrong; it would mean they could be much more intelligent than is comfortable for us to think. Indeed, I believe they may be not apes, but closer or equal to us. It’s the same reason folks dismiss numerous accounts of Bigfoots using spoken language.
Here’s an idea I have trouble shaking: the idea that they may have diverged at some distant point from humans and their civilization; maybe they rejected human civilization entirely and went their own way, choosing to live as far away from this mess called “civilization” as possible!
I can certainly understand why.
I find that mask intriguing! Love it!
Interesting article. I tend to agree with the statement made, “Don’t feed the bears”. Great analogy!
I agree with your approach to such things Goodfoot. I’ve temporarily given up in disgust on the BFF board due to the a palpable lack of curiosity there. Too many are way too invested in guarding some kind of reputation of being oh so smart about what is possible in this world, and what is not. Never mind asking questions or trying to figure out what the evidence is telling you. Some seem genuinely proud of not needing to find out anything. That is many things, but it ain’t good science.
By asking questions about telepathy and Bigfoot, am I endorsing that theory? Not necessarily, no. But, I know that I don’t know. Fer C’s sake, we all don’t know what we are dealing with here, or even if we are dealing with something. The only way to know more is to keep asking questions, keep reading, and don’t think a theory is some form of virus you need to be protected from.
My experience on the BFF’s makes it very clear why the advancements in this subject move at a glacial pace. Not that I didn’t know that already, but I guess I was willing to entertain the idea of a large number of sane people wanting to get to the bottom of a mystery as soon as possible. Now, I don’t think we are ready to do that. We would rather spout endlessly about how clever we are. I should live so long.