Do Sasquatches Wield “Sound Cannons?”
Posted by: Kirk Sigurdson on January 3rd, 2014
It has come to my attention over the past ten years of bigfooting that squatches use very low frequencies (below the range of human hearing) to hunt game, communicate with each other over long distances, and also to stun humans that encroach on their territory.
The fact that some animals are capable of generating ultra-low frequencies (called “infrasound”) is nothing new to the field of biology. Scientists have long been studying the way elephants, whales, and rhinos use infrasound.
Likewise, sasquatch researchers have been grumbling about side-effects associated with ultra low frequency “blasting” for well over a decade… and for good reason: infrasound exposure can be quite uncomfortable, particularly when it is purposefully directed at a human target.
It can also be deadly. Perhaps this is why the subject of squatch-generated infrasound is an up-and-coming topic of great interest in bigfoot circles these days, along with the fact that cutting-edge human technology is catching up with the natural abilities of whales, dolphins, elephants, rhinos… and, yes, bigfoots.
Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRAD) were used in 2009 during the G20 Summit in Pittsburgh PA to keep crowds of protesters from approaching police barricades.
The US Navy has been experimenting with active sonor in the oceans for years, and these experiments have inadvertently killed or injured scores of marine mammals, such as dolphins and whales that use sonor to communicate with each other, as well as to hunt.
My recent blog post on created quite a stir yesterday in the bigfoot community. The article provides a comprehensive and sweeping examination of infrasound and its relationship–not only with sasquatch physiology– but also in regard to cutting edge human weaponry and Behavior Modification Devices (BMD’s).
The idea to write on this subject came up last Saturday, at a bigfooting event in The Dalles, Oregon. While there, I ran into Kevin Jones, a fellow bigfooter and military advisor, for the first time. Jones piqued my interest by mentioning that he knew several bigfooters that have been successfully treated for organ traumas. These trauma were caused by exposure to infrasound while bigfooting. In fact, similarities between organ traumas associated with exposure to LRAD technologies were so similar that, at first, doctors assumed the bigfooters must have stumbled into a test range by accident.
These injured bigfooters were fortunate to be examined by medical specialists at a few select military hospitals. Jones mentioned that certain medical facilities around the United States specialize in infrasound exposure due to the fact that this new technology is now being used by the military, as well as by police for purposes of behavior modification, particularly of crowds.
Treatments provided to bigfooters at military hospitals were reported to be quite successful in some cases.
A few isolated infrasonics studies about sasquatch infrasound capabilities over the years have pointed to the possibility that powerful blasts can be generated by the creatures far below the human threshold for hearing (20 Hz).
When a bigfooter is exposed to infrasound—even though he (or she) cannot audibly hear the sound—its effects can certainly be felt.
Panic, anxiety, nausea, irregular heart rate, elevated heart rate, and the activation of “flight response” in the reptilian complex of the human target’s brain are only a few examples of observed side-effects.
Right now, the field is wide open for inquisitive and bold scientists to explore. Unlike infrasonics studies of elephants and whales, very little is known at present regarding the frequencies levels that sasquatches are capable of generating, or the strength of such emissions.
In my latest blog entry on, I go into a fairly detailed description of my own personal exposure to sasquatch-generated infrasound. is devoted to bigfoot research in general, as well as my latest novel, Kultus, which focuses on a small fictional town in Southwestern Washington State when a rash of sightings associated with one rogue bigfoot affect the community.
And believe it or not, infrasound does figure prominently into the plot of the story. That’s why Kevin’s comments last Saturday really hit home.
Kirk Sigurdson
Kirk Edward Sigurdson attended New York University, where he earned a Master's degree in English literature. His master's thesis entitled "A Gothic Approach to HP Lovecraft's Sense of Outsideness" was published in Lovecraft Studies Journal.
After writing three novels while living in Manhattan's East Village, Sigurdson returned to his native state of Oregon. It wasn’t long before he began work on a fresh new novel that drew upon his knowledge of the sasquatch phenomenon.
As research, he ventured dozens of times into sasquatch "hot spots" for overnighters, often with friends who shared some very unique experiences. He also drew upon childhood exposure to sasquatch calls and knocking that occurred during family camping trips to Horseshoe Lake in the Cascades mountains.
Kirk Sigurdson is currently a Professor of Writing and English literature at Portland Community College.
Primates using infrasound as a weapon? One more strike against anyone else in science ever taking the subject of sasquatch seriously.
Like I don’t take you seriously, you mean? Tell me honestly: do you take any part of this subject seriously? Also, it’s “sonar”, not “sonor”.
Matt Bille: Well, your statement could read as an indictment of scientists:
Tigers do it. Do kittycats?
That we haven’t documented it in a primate doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist in one; and there is reason to believe – from the calls of known apes – that one could have this capability, and – from the example of tigers, only one known species theorized to do it – that one could use it in this way.
It is a fact that many animals are proven to use infra sound. The list is not endless but quite long and includes; lions, elephants, alligators, hippos and a lot of other familiar animals. Could a Bigfoot use infra sound? It’s possible but as a weapon…no. If elephants were able to use infra sound as a defensive weapon, many poachers and other foolish people would fall victim to such an ability. As there is no proof or record of this happening with elephants and other large animals, the much smaller Bigfoot probably lacks the ability as well. Sperm Whales and certain dolphins can stun prey with a sound blast because they can focus a sonic beam through their heads. Presumed Bigfoot anatomy does not show a head with a cetacean-like melon for focusing sound…so far. A Bigfoot emitting a low frequency sound wave might cause some sensitive people to feel uncomfortable but nothing damaging enough to be termed a weapon. An interesting and informative article by Sigurdson but organ tumors caused by Bigfoot infra sound is a stretch.
I should have added that I am familiar with a number of reports describing the effect on an observer that there is no particular reason to doubt. Meldrum’s book describes a couple of them, and also makes the possible biological connections.
It’s not good science to utterly dismiss something because one hasn’t personally observed it, particularly if evidence indicates that it’s plausible.
As the article I link shows, people speculate the “much smaller” tiger to use infrasound as a weapon. What elephants do with it is their business.
As we don’t have a sasquatch specimen, I don’t think we can make any conclusions about it until we do. But tigers are comparably sized…and apparently they can.
It’s an interesting topic to be sure.
As has been stated, a lot of animals use infra sound. Elephants primarily use it for communication over distances, but as Cryptokellie said, whales and dolphins can use a form of it to stun fish. And as DWA pointed out, tigers can.
Is it impossible that some primate could wield it? Nope. Just because there’s no examples, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen or couldn’t. Could a primate specialize or evolve to be able to use infra sound to communicate, and then maybe over time adapt it as a weapon? It’s possible. Always.
Is it probable? Hard to say. I’ve gone over a lot of BF reports as of late and in almost all of the cases Bigfoot has never displayed any real violence toward people. However, having said that, as more and more “bigfooters” go out searching for the big guy, any critter, if threatened or perceives itself as being threatened will defend itself. Also, perhaps such an infra sound “weapon” could be a by-product of a communication technique, and said Bigfoot might be unaware of its effect on people. Yes, I’m just postulating myself.
As was said, we don’t have a body so we’re just guessing on all fronts because we don’t know the physiological nature of a Bigfoot. We can go back and forth and argue all day, but in the end, anything is possible, even if it’s not highly probable. I don’t put all of my faith in the fossil record (not much actually) because it’s anything but complete.
Men have been hunting, capturing and training tigers for a thousand years. Is there any real case or better yet, evidence that a tiger caused a human any substantial harm by using infra sound? No. That they and all the other animals mentioned use infra sound for whatever varied purposes is a proven fact. The tiger can emit a low frequency growl that can stun or disorient prey, so if you want to say that this is a weapon…OK, but is it an infra sound growl or the claws and teeth that are the tiger’s true weapons? Ask Alex Crispin or Roy Horn (who survived his attack) whether they think the tiger’s growl or it’s claws and teeth are the cat’s “weapons”. Well, Crispin was killed so you can’t ask him…High-speed trains also emit infra sound waves, is that their weapon? Would you prefer to be struck by an infra sound wave from a train or hit by the on-coming engine? Just asking.
Trying to inject a little humor here…
Ignore how you cannot even get decent video of sasquatch.Tick
Ignore how you cannot kill or capture sasquatch.Tick
Quote ketchum…in anything..?????? Extra tick for being that dopey..
But blather on about real animals and infra sound and ignore the elephant in the room..tick
Amazing.. 🙂
How about rewriting your comment and saying “..very little is known at present about sasquatch..”.
And just leave it at that…
The modern bigfoot field..hoaxes and insane garbage..the gift that keeps giving to the sceptics.. 🙂