Winged Weirdies in Texas?
Posted by: Nick Redfern on September 22nd, 2011
Nick Redfern, blogger on our sister site UFOMystic, manages to stir things up when his articles are posted here at Cryptomundo.
See: Nick Redfern on Monsters and Proof
And: Nick Redfern Further Expounds on Monsters and Proof
And: Nick Redfern: Proof of Bigfoot
And: Nick Redfern: Beware of the Big Gray Man
Here’s Nick’s latest:
Lair of the Beasts: Texan Monsters
Weird Winged Things
Back in 2001, I spent some time in a small West Texas town just outside of the city of Lubbock called Littlefield. And while there – and specifically after word got around the area that I worked as a writer of books on the worlds of UFOs, the paranormal, and all things monstrous – something weird and memorable happened.
It was around 10.00 a.m. on one particular winter’s morning and there was a knock at the door. It was an elderly couple, related to the guy who lived next door, and who had suggested to them that they speak with me. I invited them in and they explained that they had an unusual story they were looking to tell, and that concerned events that had occurred back in the mid-1940s, when they were teenagers.
According to the account, the first incident occurred in the early months of 1946 at an old, large house that, until the early 1960s, had existed on the edge of town, and where two aged and eccentric sisters lived in absolute seclusion.
Supposedly, on one occasion in the dead of night (when else?), a group of local kids playing in the area and scaring themselves stupid by walking around the old, dark building witnessed two, eight-foot-tall, humanoid creatures climb stealthily out of the building’s cellar.
Not only were the creatures eight-foot-tall; they were also gray of skin, had large, leathery wings, and glowing red eyes. In other words, they weren’t local folk. I think! In fact, they sounded like something straight out of Jeepers Creepers or The Mothman Prophecies.
The monstrous pair apparently turned sharply as they surfaced from their underground lair and stared intently at the kids, then broke into a hopping-style run, opened their immense wings and soared majestically into the starlit sky. One interesting observation was that the limbs of the creatures looked almost hollow against the background of the full moon that loomed overhead.
Perhaps even weirder was the fact that as the kids exited the area at what was an unsurprisingly high speed, two of them caught sight of the elderly sisters, grinning maniacally at them out of a downstairs window of the house.
The couple also informed me that a similar creature, if not one of the original two, was seen several months later, standing in the middle of a stretch of highway in nearby Levelland, by a terrified motorist in the early hours of the morning while issuing a woeful and eerie moan.
That, in essence, was the weird account. Of course, all towns and villages – whether in America, Britain, Germany, Australia, Russia, or indeed anywhere – have their own, unique folk tales and legends, and perhaps this was merely Littlefield’s.
I had no idea if it was genuine, a combination of fact and fiction, or simply the very tallest of tales to try and determine how gullible I might be. Well, I told the pair in no uncertain terms that while their revelations were very interesting, I would like to speak, personally, with those allegedly involved and get their views and comments on the affair. That, I wasn’t at all surprised to learn, was destined to lead me down a pathway to absolutely nowhere.
The two quickly claimed that the key witnesses in the tale had all gone to their graves at surprisingly young ages – all supposedly killed in a variety of seemingly unlikely, and horrific, accidents. I nodded, as my mind became filled with deep suspicions that someone was trying to well and truly play me.
Indeed, the story never went any further at all. No-one else ever came forward to offer any similar testimony on the matter, and the whole thing simply evaporated.
My views today on this curious caper are that maybe – just maybe – my elderly informants were not lying, and had genuinely heard such a story years before. After all, who amongst us hasn’t heard a few odd urban legends and folk tales in their time? Not many, I’m sure!
But, hearing such a story is a very far cry from being able to prove it, vindicate it, or even provide a firsthand witness. For that reason, ten years on, I consider the story of the winged monsters of Littlefield to be interesting, but probably steeped in folklore and not much else – if indeed anything else.
Unless, that is, you know better…
Nick Redfern
Punk music fan, Tennents Super and Carlsberg Special Brew beer fan, horror film fan, chocolate fan, like to wear black clothes, like to stay up late. Work as a writer.
Urban myth started by kids being frightened by cranes, perhaps? Some of their calls can be rather terrifying if you don’t realize what it’s actually coming from. And not to be catty, but since this happened in the 60’s at an old house in the middle of nowhere, it may be safe to err on the side of ‘illicit products had been consumed’ as playing a part in this story.
oh yeah didn’t he talk about this in his book “Memoirs of a Monster Hunter”? its in the chapter appropriately titled “Two Winged Things and A Wedding”.
what made me a non-believer was when they said two of them seen the old cryptic sisters grinning at the windows. i don’t know about you, but i would of been scared of the 8ft. monsters! and wouldn’t have seen no windows. my eyes would have seen if i was to be eaten or chased by the things! long story short! i have a hard time believing this little ditty~peace
i agree with zabo. this sounds more like a cheap horror film then an actual encounter… while it is interesting, they lost me when the said all of the witnesses died. what about relatives of the witnesses? surely they would have been able to vouch for them, that is, if it really happened. it may be possible for something like this to exist, but i honestly think this is just another urban myth
It could be the kind of thing also that at one time there was a kernel of truth in some part of that story, but over the years it was subjected to the equivalent of the “telephone game” to the point that it was twisted beyond all reasoning. Now, as to whether the ‘kernel’ was cryptozoological or not…who knows…but at any rate, this has more the making of a spooky campfire story.
However, there have been plenty of stories of winged things and especially in the southern U.S. and Mexico region.
Personally, I seriously doubt it has much validity to it, if indeed any (as I noted in my article). I certainly don’t think there’s any way – AT ALL – that the story can be accepted literally. It is indeed just way too “campfire”-style to be the literal truth.
Could it have been based on some more down to earth event that got mutated and distorted over time? I supppose so. But, I would be surprised if it was.
Great story, but in my view it’s too great to be accepted for what it claims to be.