Archive for the “Abominable Snowman”

The Top Cryptozoology Books of 2006

Posted by: Loren Coleman on December 15th, 2006

The Top Cryptozoology Books of 2006 by Loren Coleman, Cryptozoologist Author, Cryptozoology A to Z, Bigfoot!, and Tom Slick It is time for the annual top picks for the best cryptozoology books of 2006, with attention to each book’s individual achievements noted in recognition of its unique niche within the cryptozoological literature this year. Since […]

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Pynchon’s New Cryptofiction

Posted by: Loren Coleman on December 12th, 2006

Most people have heard the rumors about alligators-in-the-sewers, in large part, because of Thomas Pynchon’s 1963 novel, V. Pynchon wrote of the cute little pet alligators purchased as Florida souvenirs, eventually discarded, then growing and reproducing in the sewers of New York City. Moving through the underground system, Pynchon told us, they were big, blind, […]

Read: Pynchon’s New Cryptofiction »

Dzungarian Bare Knees

Posted by: Loren Coleman on December 8th, 2006

Why do some unknown hominoids have bare knees? Wooden representation of a Proto-Pygmy from Africa. Witness drawing of a Yowie from Australia. In 1913, Muscovite V. A. Khakhlov submitted to the Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences his extraordinarily detailed report about the unknown hairy hominids of eastern Asia. In one section of the document, Khakhlov […]

Read: Dzungarian Bare Knees »

Scientific Names for Bigfoot

Posted by: Loren Coleman on December 8th, 2006

Harry Trumbore’s drawing (above) of the Himalayan Yeti. I wrote this paper about a decade ago, but just ran across it recently. Considering that Craig Woolheater’s discussion today is “Down Classification Avenue With Sasquatch,” it seemed appropriate to revisit my thoughts on this matter, more specifically, here today. Scientific Names for Bigfoot What is the […]

Read: Scientific Names for Bigfoot »

CZ 2006 Lists Begin: A Cryptomundo Roundup

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 29th, 2006

Cryptozoology, in various overt and covert ways, is all over the news this last week in November 2006, as people appear to be getting a headstart on their end of the year lists. Here’s a snappy overview of the first wave. First, a calm and quiet honor you may have missed. Stanley Newman is the […]

Read: CZ 2006 Lists Begin: A Cryptomundo Roundup »

The Short History of Blobsquatch

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 25th, 2006

As you click this image for a larger version, ask yourself, is this a blobsquatch or not? “Blobsquatch” is specifically the object in a photograph of a supposed Bigfoot or Sasquatch that has a lack of definition and detail, an illusion created by a play of light within an often unfamiliar natural environment. It is […]

Read: The Short History of Blobsquatch »

Is It Real? Russian Bigfoot

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 20th, 2006

Loren detailed this episode of National Geographic’s Is It Real? in March and August of this year. Loren’s posts are: Almas 2006 Expedition and Nat Geo’s New Hominology Documentary Science books say Neanderthals went extinct around 30,000 years ago. But what if they still exist today? Rumors swirl that a stone-age man called “wildman” or […]

Read: Is It Real? Russian Bigfoot »

Dinosaurs, Sea Serpents and Abominable Snowmen: Unknown Animals in Modern History

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 18th, 2006

It has come to my attention that Stanford University is offering a course concerning cryptozoology. The course is entitled Dinosaurs, Sea Serpents and Abominable Snowmen: Unknown Animals in Modern History The course is within the Program in History and Philosophy of Science and Technology. The following is taken from Stanford’s website introducing the course. Why […]

Read: Dinosaurs, Sea Serpents and Abominable Snowmen: Unknown Animals in Modern History »

James Bond and Cryptozoology

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 17th, 2006

Did you know there are links between actual people, some real-life characters, who have searched for cryptids and the stories surrounding and linked to "James Bond"? Ask any spy trivia or "Jeopardy" buff, what was the inspiration for the name "James Bond"? The answer: Ian Fleming, the author of the James Bond novels, got the […]

Read: James Bond and Cryptozoology »

KC’s Kids CZ Book List

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 10th, 2006

Looking for some suggestions for your holiday gift-giving to add to the book shelves of cryptozoologists-in-training? Trying to come up with colorful presents for those stockings? Here’s some book ideas that are being put out there for kids who are visiting the activities and the current Missouri home of the traveling exhibition that left Bates […]

Read: KC’s Kids CZ Book List »

Paranthropus News

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 10th, 2006

The following news release is shared here, as I consider the fossil candidate Paranthropus more compelling than Giganthropithecus for what is reported in several locations as "Bigfoot". I discussed this debate about these two fossil species here on Christmas Day 2005, please see “Bigfoot: Gigantopithecus or Paranthropus?” Not too many people read that blog, probably, […]

Read: Paranthropus News »

Dryopithecus, Skunk Apes, and Yeti

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 9th, 2006

How long have people been talking about Dryopithecus as having some bearing on reports of unknown hominoids, those that appear to be more anthropoid than hominid? For over fifty years, it turns out. Personally, I’ve promoted them since the 1960s (see most recently Bigfoot!, pages 165-166) and I have talked of dryopithecines and their possible […]

Read: Dryopithecus, Skunk Apes, and Yeti »

Abductions by Modern Neandertals?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 5th, 2006

Neandertals left their tracks, above, behind. Have they interacted with modern humans in contemporary times, and left behind much more? Is there a record of human beings being abducted by hairy unknown hominids, perhaps even Neandertals in Europe? The reported sleeping position of the Ksy-gyik. Did it sleep with humans? Here is a list of […]

Read: Abductions by Modern Neandertals? »

Searching for Sasquatch – Using Ideas from Law Enforcement Part V.

Posted by: John Kirk on November 2nd, 2006

Part V Dress to fit the environment, I am a great believer in blending in with the environment as it gives you the advantage of stealth when investigating and on surveillance. Those of you have been out in the woods with me, especially those from Ohio, Texas and British Columbia will know that I always […]

Read: Searching for Sasquatch – Using Ideas from Law Enforcement Part V. »

Abominable Snowman’s Writer Dies

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 1st, 2006

One of the most influential television writers of the 20th century and the writer of one of the most important motion pictures in Yeti cryptofiction has died. Earlier this year, I noted that director Val Guest died on May 10, 2006, in California. Now, Nigel has passed away. That would be Nigel Kneale, here pictured […]

Read: Abominable Snowman’s Writer Dies »

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