Archive for the “Abominable Snowman”

Your Pick for Best and Worst Bigfoot Movie

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 23rd, 2006

With all of the talk here on Cryptomundo about Bigfoot movies, the good, bad and the ugly, I thought that I would give the readers of Cryptomundo the opportunity to weigh in with their picks. I still pick The Legend of Boggy Creek as my favorite. Not for the great cinematic effort that it wasn’t, […]

Read: Your Pick for Best and Worst Bigfoot Movie »

Bates Opens Cryptozoology Exhibition

Posted by: Loren Coleman on June 14th, 2006

The International Cryptozoology Museum (ICM) is sharing its contents through the end of 2006. Over 100 of some of the most significant large and small items from the ICM’s collection are included in my specific room at the new Bates College exhibition, “Cryptozoology: Out of Time Place Scale.” Then, in October, the objects from that […]

Read: Bates Opens Cryptozoology Exhibition »

Slick’s Snowman Containment Site

Posted by: Loren Coleman on June 6th, 2006

One of the sidetrips that Craig Woolheater, his wife Marcy, Miles Lewis, Dennis Stacy, and I took on Sunday was a survey of various Tom Slick sites around San Antonio, as pointed out and discussed, in depth, by the encyclopedic Stacy. Yes, a motley crew, indeed, in search of Slickian history did trek about San […]

Read: Slick’s Snowman Containment Site »

Abominable’s Paul Gleason Dies

Posted by: Loren Coleman on May 29th, 2006

Known and remembered for his dozens of character roles, such as the angry high school principal in The Breakfast Club to the teacher in National Lampoon’s Van Wilder, actor Paul Gleason, 67, died May 27, 2006. Shortly before his death, Gleason appeared as the no-nonsense disbelieving Sheriff Halderman in Ryan Schifrin’s Abominable (2006), which aired […]

Read: Abominable’s Paul Gleason Dies »

Return of Abominable Snowmen

Posted by: Loren Coleman on May 28th, 2006

Sometimes it causes me a little tribulation to announce the reprint of a new book, and this is one of those times. Not because of the contents of the book, not because of the original author, and not even because of the price. No, sometimes, I have feelings about seeing good books republished too quickly […]

Read: Return of Abominable Snowmen »

Abominable on Nightline

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 24th, 2006

As is currently being discussed in the Sandsquatch entry here on Cryptomundo, Nightline tackeld the topic of the trend of blood and gore in today’s horror flicks. The segment is available on the Nightline website. The director of Abominable, Ryan Schifrin, is interviewed and Abominable is profiled. Footage and interviews with audience members from the […]

Read: Abominable on Nightline »

Is Bigfoot a Homin?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on May 19th, 2006

Is it true that all hominids are hominoids but not all hominoids are hominids? Where do the pongids and anthropoids fall, as hominoids but not hominids? And what the heck is a homin? Who is on first, anyway? What are the various definitions of humanoid, hominoid, hominid, hominology, homin, anthropoid, and pongid? These jumble of […]

Read: Is Bigfoot a Homin? »

Too Old For CZ TV?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on May 17th, 2006

I have a short personal story to share today. It is a tale of pondering whether cryptozoology television is merely for the young. And even if the answer is yes, are corporations missing out on something in reinforcing that trend? First, I’m a little biased. That’s why it’s personal, of course. I’m 58, and yet […]

Read: Too Old For CZ TV? »

The Enigma of the Talking British Columbia Sasquatches

Posted by: John Kirk on May 17th, 2006

One of the things I find most perplexing about sasquatch stories from British Columbia and particularly about the ones that emanate from the Harrison Hot Springs area is that sasquatch apparently have the faculty of speech. Now, I don’t mean they can simply howl growl or grunt, I mean they can talk in known languages. […]

Read: The Enigma of the Talking British Columbia Sasquatches »

Director of Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas Dies

Posted by: Loren Coleman on May 12th, 2006

Just yesterday, I wrote about the new Abominable Snowman movie being developed, based on the old Hammer film, Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas. Moments ago, I learned the director of that movie, Val Guest has died. He was 94. Click image for a larger version Variety is reporting late on May 12, 2006: "Cult film […]

Read: Director of Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas Dies »

The Abominable Snowman: The Movie

Posted by: Loren Coleman on May 11th, 2006

Click image for a larger version In a new May 11, 2006, interview in Australia’s Moviehole, super producer Ilya Salkind notes that among his current projects is "a new film based on the mythic The Abominable Snowman." This is important to hear as it gives fresh news, the first since 2003, that The Abominable Snowman […]

Read: The Abominable Snowman: The Movie »

Sasquatch in the Yukon

Posted by: John Kirk on May 10th, 2006

It’s amazing to me sometimes how the media will seize on a story that really is no big deal. It is patently obvious that a lot of media types don’t do enough research before they write a story. Here’s an example. There are so many sasquatch research groups out there that I have lost track […]

Read: Sasquatch in the Yukon »

From Russia, With Love

Posted by: Loren Coleman on May 9th, 2006

Message from Russian Hominologists to Malaysian Colleagues Dear Vincent Chow, May I warmly congratulate you and your Malaysian colleagues on a marvelous, most important and long expected achievement — getting clear photographs of what we call homins (our technical,”professional” jargon term for relict hominids). Back in 1963, my teacher of hominology, the late Professor Boris […]

Read: From Russia, With Love »

Hairy Hominoids Killed and Captured

Posted by: Loren Coleman on May 9th, 2006

The events in Malaysia are only the latest in a long history in Asia of interactions between humans and unknown hairy hominoids. Often, especially in times of war, the encounters have not been peaceful ones for the “Wild People.” Sometimes these incidents have been covered up for years, due to the military involvements, from regional […]

Read: Hairy Hominoids Killed and Captured »

The Face of the Johor Mawas

Posted by: Loren Coleman on May 6th, 2006

Cryptomundo Exclusive: Vincent Chow and the Photographs Vincent Chow, Malaysian cryptozoologist and serious-minded natural history investigator, wasn’t ready to talk about the photographs of the Johor Bigfoot, yet, but sometimes events flow more swiftly than one wishes. Such is the case this week when it came out at a news conference that Chow would be […]

Read: The Face of the Johor Mawas »

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