Archive for the “Abominable Snowman”

A Track Is Not A Foot

Posted by: Loren Coleman on February 28th, 2006

Today, guest contributor Mark A. Hall, author of books on cryptozoology, the inventor of the concept of True Giants, and the editor of Wonders, shares his thoughts on the Malaysian evidence of four-toed tracks. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I have looked over the record of tracks for True Giants after all these impressions from Malaysia have been published. […]

Read: A Track Is Not A Foot »

Malaysian Zoologist: Call Them Orang Dalam

Posted by: Loren Coleman on February 26th, 2006

Okay, I know. You’ve been hearing this from me for awhile. I have been hammering on the issue of names, that the Malaysian unknown hairy hominoids are hardly "Bigfoot," for weeks. Now comes the same message from Malaysia. This week, Malaysian zoologist Amlir Ayat decided to recommend one moniker for the cryptids. Here’s what he […]

Read: Malaysian Zoologist: Call Them Orang Dalam »

History of the Abominable Snowman

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on February 26th, 2006

In a previous post here on Cryptomundo, I talked about the thought that the Yeti, or Abominable Snowman, was white in coloration. This creature of the Himalayas was not widely known to Western civilization until 1921. The events that transpired were set forth by a telegram sent from an expedition then in the Mt. Everest […]

Read: History of the Abominable Snowman »

Malay DNA & Cast in Play

Posted by: Loren Coleman on February 25th, 2006

DNA samples, theories on the creatures living in the swamps, future appearances on reality television are all in the news. Do not look for the Malaysian Bigfoot story to bolt from the media radar soon. Furthermore, we continue to ponder what to make of this track, cast by Sci-Fi’s Josh Gates? The footprint site is […]

Read: Malay DNA & Cast in Play »

Talking to Henry May

Posted by: Loren Coleman on February 24th, 2006

Today, I’m going to cross-post my interview by Henry May, who has a blog at the American Bigfoot Society Clearinghouse.   Loren Coleman and the 8.5 ft tall "Crookston Bigfoot" at his International Cryptozoology Museum, Portland, Maine, summer 2005. Photo taken by Joseph Citro, used by permission. Hi, Henry Thank you for your growing site […]

Read: Talking to Henry May »

What Do You See in This Cast?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on February 23rd, 2006

This is the footcast found by Joshua Gates of Sci Fi Channel while on a recent Malaysian Bigfoot expedition. Consider the possibilities behind this track and share with Cryptomundo what you observe and consider significant to notice in this cast (below, under comments): Could it be…. A track representation of the Malaysian Mawas? Or Orang […]

Read: What Do You See in This Cast? »

Who Was On That Malaysian Expedition?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on February 22nd, 2006

An explosion of media attention today…at least three articles hitting the internet…news of an expedition…backing by a television show…a photograph of a footprint…and more. Fasten your seat belts. Sometimes it is only location and funding that separate cryptozoologists from the action. As I’ve been suggesting for weeks, Malaysian scientists are the obvious choices for going […]

Read: Who Was On That Malaysian Expedition? »

China’s Flustered Yeren Takes A Vacation at Last

Posted by: John Kirk on February 21st, 2006

Imagine you live in one of the most beautiful nature reserves in all of your country. It is an idyllic oasis in the midst of a country marching towards mass-market industrialization that is leaving the rest of the world behind. Imagine that because you live there, the local authorities decide to make you a tourist […]

Read: China’s Flustered Yeren Takes A Vacation at Last »

Affordable Hobbit Skull Now Available

Posted by: Loren Coleman on February 21st, 2006

Cryptomundo Exclusive   You can now own part of cryptozoological and anthropological history! In a breaking news announcement from their headquarters, I have learned that Bone Clones, Inc. has finally finished their detailed copy of the skull of the Flores’ Hobbit, Homo floresiensis. "What timing. It’s done!!! Just finished today. Very pleased with it," reported […]

Read: Affordable Hobbit Skull Now Available »

So, Just What Color is the Yeti?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on February 18th, 2006

In a previous post here on Cryptomundo about the Disney attraction Expedition Everest’s Yeti, a commenter stated that they thought that the Yeti was white. The Yeti in that attraction is obviously not sporting white hair… Yet, all of the souvenirs and promotional items and appearances show the Yeti sporting white hair. There is the […]

Read: So, Just What Color is the Yeti? »

Disney’s Expedition Everest Yeti

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on February 14th, 2006

Loren has previously written here on Cryptomundo about the new Disney attraction Expedition Everest. Actually, a couple of times. This is a projected image of the Yeti. In the animation, the Yeti rips a projected image of the track apart. A closeup of the animatronic Yeti’s face. Check out them choppers. He doesn’t look like […]

Read: Disney’s Expedition Everest Yeti »

Malaysian Bigfoot: Reviewing the Stories

Posted by: Loren Coleman on February 13th, 2006

The following is a comprehensive listing of the links to all stories on the Malaysian "Bigfoot" (mawas, orang dalam, and other names) to be found at Cryptomundo, since December 24, 2005, when the South Asia media attention began. Search for the Setontot Harold Stephen’s Expedition Naming Malaysia’s Bigfoot ABC News Ridicules Malaysian Reports More Malaysian […]

Read: Malaysian Bigfoot: Reviewing the Stories »

Harold Stephens: 1970s Malaysian Bigfoot Tracker

Posted by: Loren Coleman on February 11th, 2006

Cryptomundo Exclusive Interview Anyone doing research on the so-called Bigfoot in Malaysia will soon run across the name "Harold Stephens." Today Cryptomundo gets an exclusive first interview with the man who thirty-five years ago conducted the first modern expedition in search of Malaysia’s Orang Dalam. And he reveals intriguing new details of other discoveries. Photo: […]

Read: Harold Stephens: 1970s Malaysian Bigfoot Tracker »

Creatures of the Outer Edge

Posted by: Loren Coleman on February 1st, 2006

I am happy to announce that my first two books, The Unidentified and Creatures of the Outer Edge, with Jerome Clark, long out of print, are now back. First appearing in 1975 and 1978, these two classics have now been published as a special double edition with a new introduction. The Unidentified and Creatures of […]

Read: Creatures of the Outer Edge »

Kenneth McConnell, 54, Leader of 1996 Yeti Expedition, Dies

Posted by: Loren Coleman on January 30th, 2006

Having survived near-death experiences in the Himalayas, including the near loss of a companion while they searched for the Yeti in 1996, a world-class climber dies close to home. Scottish-born mountain climber Kenneth McConnell, 54, died, Saturday, January 28, 2006, when he fell from 4170 feet tall Mount Wellington, near Hobart in Tasmania. His father […]

Read: Kenneth McConnell, 54, Leader of 1996 Yeti Expedition, Dies »

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