Archive for the “Cryptozoologists”

Wild Thing: We Interrupt Your Regularly-Scheduled Sasquatch

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on October 25th, 2018

Wild Thing fans! We ran into a production issue and have to delay the release of episode 4 “Eyewitness” by a week. Our apologies. But while there’s no full episode today, you can listen to a little preview of what’s to come.

Read: Wild Thing: We Interrupt Your Regularly-Scheduled Sasquatch »

Wild Thing: Bob Gimlin

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on October 24th, 2018

Bob Gimlin is half of the famous duo that was there that day in 1967, when the Patterson-Gimlin film was shot. Despite years of ridicule and harassment, he stands by his story. Now, fifty years after that fateful day, he sits down to tell us about what happened and the fallout he experienced.

Read: Wild Thing: Bob Gimlin »

Wild Thing: The Evidence

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on October 16th, 2018

Let’s look at the evidence. There are footprints and sounds, grainy pictures, and the notorious Patterson-Gimlin film—that shaky 1967 video of a big, hairy beast striding through the forest. But how well does it hold up? We hear from a variety of people—the skeptics and the certain—who make their case for what evidence is out there. How much of it stands up to scrutiny?

Read: Wild Thing: The Evidence »

Wild Thing: Distant Relative or Kissing Cousin?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on October 10th, 2018

Just what is Bigfoot? Descendant of ancient apes? Close human ancestor? Evolution might hold the answer to this question. Homo sapiens may rule the planet now but once upon a time, we weren’t the only hominid creatures walking around. Who’s to say that Bigfoot wasn’t—and still isn’t—among us? We talk to evolution experts and anthropologists, including Ian Tattersall, curator at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.

Read: Wild Thing: Distant Relative or Kissing Cousin? »

Wild Thing: Grover

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on October 8th, 2018

Laura Krantz is a veteran public radio editor and producer. So how did she end up in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest, eyeballing some giant ground nests… that might have been made by Bigfoot? You can place the blame squarely on the shoulders of a guy named Grover. He was a tenured professor of anthropology at Washington State University and one of world’s preeminent experts on Sasquatch. And it turns out that Grover is also Laura’s long-lost cousin. How could she not do a story about this guy?

Read: Wild Thing: Grover »

The ‘Wild Thing’ podcast is like ‘Serial’ for Sasquatches

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on October 5th, 2018

For more than a year, Laura Krantz searched for Sasquatches and the people who love them. She tromped through the Pacific Northwest looking for Bigfoot nests, frequented Sasquatch-enthusiast chat rooms, and talked to scientists about how DNA testing may be able to be used to help prove — or at least explain — the hairy fella’s existence.

Read: The ‘Wild Thing’ podcast is like ‘Serial’ for Sasquatches »

2018 Texas Bigfoot Conference

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on September 6th, 2018

Michael and Diana Esordi of googz & co have designed and created some really cool merchandise for the upcoming 2018 Texas Bigfoot Conference coming up October 20th in Jefferson, TX.

Read: 2018 Texas Bigfoot Conference »

So, Why Do People Believe In Bigfoot Anyway?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on July 19th, 2018

Relatively few people, in or out of the field of science, believe in Bigfoot. A purported Bigfoot sighting would likely be met with the same level of credulity as a discovery of Casper, Elvis, Tupac, or Santa Claus. With only 16 percent of Americans Bigfoot believers, you might just write them off as crazy. But contrary to popular assumption, folklore experts say, Bigfoot believers may not be as irrational as you’d think.

Read: So, Why Do People Believe In Bigfoot Anyway? »

Does Science Benefit From the Search for Sasquatch?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on July 3rd, 2018

So if history shows that science can potentially benefit from examining cryptozoological findings, why is that so many scientists are still adamantly against the practice?

Read: Does Science Benefit From the Search for Sasquatch? »

A Legend In The Making: The Early Years of Grover Krantz

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on July 2nd, 2018

Anthropologist Grover Krantz, who died in 2002, is remembered as the academic who devoted himself to the search for Sasquatch. (Read all about Krantz and his Bigfoot research here.) Though his obsession with Bigfoot and other anomalous primates didn’t start until later, his fascination with anatomy and physiology began early, as well as his tendency to flaunt his knowledge.

Read: A Legend In The Making: The Early Years of Grover Krantz »

The Man, The Myth, and The Legend of Grover Krantz

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 29th, 2018

In the early 1990s in Sequim, Washington, on the heavily forested Olympic Peninsula, anthropologist Grover Krantz was building a helicopter to search for Sasquatch. He ordered the kit from some guy in the Midwest and spent several years trying to assemble it. He hoped the craft would provide the aerial view necessary to locate and retrieve a Bigfoot carcass.

Read: The Man, The Myth, and The Legend of Grover Krantz »

Does a creature lurk beneath Cadboro Bay?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 26th, 2018

Researchers on hunt for Cadborosaurus, with sightings dating back centuries along the B.C. coast

Read: Does a creature lurk beneath Cadboro Bay? »

Zanzibar Leopard Captured on Camera, Despite Being Declared Extinct

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 8th, 2018

The Zanzibar leopard was officially declared extinct 25 years ago, but the classification has been called into question after a wildlife biologist caught the elusive predator on camera.

Read: Zanzibar Leopard Captured on Camera, Despite Being Declared Extinct »

Extinct or Alive

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 8th, 2018

What if extinct animals weren’t really extinct? The methods used to declare a species extinct are not as fool proof as people might assume. From eyewitness accounts to last known photographs, there is evidence that suggests some of these creatures are still very much alive in the wild.

Read: Extinct or Alive »

Bobo Babbles Bigfoot

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 27th, 2018

From Bobo:

Well all good things must come to an end…and the end of Finding Bigfoot is this Sunday 5/27/18 8-11 PM. The final episodes are really good so please join us and help us go out in style.

Read: Bobo Babbles Bigfoot »

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