Champ Search Echolocation 2016
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on August 17th, 2016
Echolocation from an unknown animal captured in Lake Champlain. August 12th, 6:15 A.M.
Read: Champ Search Echolocation 2016 »
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on August 17th, 2016
Echolocation from an unknown animal captured in Lake Champlain. August 12th, 6:15 A.M.
Read: Champ Search Echolocation 2016 »
Posted by: Katy Elizabeth on August 15th, 2016
New echolocation recordings captured.
Read: Champ Search Update! »
Posted by: Shannon LeGro on July 21st, 2016
Shannon speaks to Asian hominid researcher, Daniel Antal. He lives in Thailand, and since 2008 has been conducting his own private investigations and expeditions into unknown hominids that may still inhabit remote regions of the Asian continent.
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on July 2nd, 2016
I was invited by Derek Randles, of the Olympic Project, to give a presentation at an annual get together in the beautiful north Olympic wilderness at a location near Lake Crescent, Washington State on the Victoria Day long weekend of 2016.
May 20th to May 22nd to be exact; a holiday long weekend in Canada but not in the U.S.
This group, unlike so many others out there, are not what I commonly refer to as “inmates running the asylum” but a collection of serious-minded researchers whom combine their research methods in order to find the evidence needed to either confirm or, in some cases, disprove the existence of Bigfoot in the wilderness of Washington State. Some researchers came from Oregon, as well as Canada, not to mention Texas, all there to share ideas and methods to collect and gather evidence.
Posted by: DatusPerry on June 10th, 2016
Scott Herriott joins Clint and Matt to talk about walking away, getting ahead, and laughing along the way.
Read: Scott Herriott talks Bigfoot Trail, The Bigfoot Show and Squatchers »
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 10th, 2016
The Texas Bigfoot Research Center celebrates the 15th anniversary of the Original Texas Bigfoot Conference held on September 15, 2001 with this year’s event to be held the weekend of October 14-16, 2016. This is the official Texas Bigfoot Weekend as proclaimed by the mayor of Jefferson in 2005.
Posted by: Christopher Noël on June 4th, 2016
In late August, I will be leading two Sasquatch expeditions, each lasting three days/nights.
Read: BFRO Expeditions »
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 10th, 2016
…Stepp attended a conference on all things Sasquatch to celebrate the launch of the Bigfoot section of the China Flat Museum in Willow Creek. There he introduced himself to Jeffrey Meldrum, professor of anatomy and anthropology at Idaho State University and an oft-interviewed Bigfoot researcher. Meldrum’s area of focus is the evolution of bipedalism — the anatomical distinctions and development of our ancestors that led to our walking on two legs, including the dynamics of their footfalls, footprints and skeletons.
Read: Why one scientist thinks taboo fringe theories are a big hairy deal »
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 5th, 2016
Bigfoot: an historico-ecologico-anthropoidologico-archetypal study of the creature and its believers
Read: Giant Hairy Apes in the North Woods: A Bigfoot Study »
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 4th, 2016
Join us as we welcome Ken Gerhard to discuss one of the great Cryptozoological mysteries of our time, Big Birds and Pterosaurs. Whether prehistoric leftovers or undiscovered species, perhaps nothing is more frightening than the terror that comes out of nowhere to swoop down and snatch it’s victim, only to fly off and never been seen again.
Read: Monster X Radio: Animal Extant ‘Terror from the Skies with Ken Gerhard’ »
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 3rd, 2016
A report comes in to the GCBRO of a terrifying Bigfoot encounter in the swampy Sabine River area in SW Louisiana. Living on a huge 5000 acre wooded farm, the Dyess family have had numerous encounters with Bigfoot coming into their yard, screaming at night and even frightening them when they are out hunting. They’ve taken casts of the huge tracks they’ve found. They’ve stopped hunting and going into the forest- south Gulf Coast Bigfoot Organization team must come and help remove their problem. In the meantime, the team has a run-in with their old rival Dr. Web Sentell.
Read: Killing Bigfoot: Bayou Bigfoot »
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 2nd, 2016
The Texas Bigfoot Research Center celebrates the 15th anniversary of the Original Texas Bigfoot Conference held on September 15, 2001 with this year’s event to be held the weekend of October 14-16, 2016.
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 30th, 2016
The team receives a special invitation to investigate the Klamath reservation in Southern Oregon, where bigfoot sightings are a regular occurrence. The team investigates a canyon so squatchy, the tribe themselves don’t dare to venture in after dark.
Read: Finding Bigfoot: Squatching on Sacred Ground Full Episode »
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 26th, 2016
Scott Herriott, filmmaker of the classics Squatching/Journey Toward Squatchdom, is planning a new Sasquatch film project and has started a Kickstarter campaign to crowdfund it.
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