Archive for “March, 2012”

Breaking News: “Gorilla” Seen In Alabama

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 12th, 2012

#Alabama’s #SwampApes or #Boogers, #Gorillas or whatever you want to call them are in the news.

Read: Breaking News: “Gorilla” Seen In Alabama »

Finding Bigfoot: “Holy Cow, It’s Bigfoot” Tonight

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 11th, 2012

A mysterious video and reports from Utah State University help the team to determine that bigfoots have lived in the mountainous state for decades. Hoping to corner a squatch, they invite a witness to help in their final night investigation.

Read: Finding Bigfoot: “Holy Cow, It’s Bigfoot” Tonight »

The Beast of Boggy Creek: The True Story of the Fouke Monster: Book and Merchandise Now Available!

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 10th, 2012

The book, book cover poster and t-shirts are available now at the book’s website.

Tell Lyle that Cryptomundo sent ya!

Read: The Beast of Boggy Creek: The True Story of the Fouke Monster: Book and Merchandise Now Available! »

Video of Nantucket Sea Serpent, 1937

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 10th, 2012

#SeaSerpent #Video
During the summer of that year, sightings and footprints were found.

Read: Video of Nantucket Sea Serpent, 1937 »

Are Lake Illiamna Monsters Getting Rattled?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 9th, 2012

#Cryptozoology #Seismology #LakeMonsters
Would an eruption of the Illiamna Volcano increase activity of the nearby cryptids?

Read: Are Lake Illiamna Monsters Getting Rattled? »

Mammoth Megafauna Mammal Massacre

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 9th, 2012

#MassExtinction #Paleontology #Megafauna #Mammoths #Mastodons
#IvanSanderson may have been right, after all. Bringing the recent breaking news into broader context.

Read: Mammoth Megafauna Mammal Massacre »

Home of Chinese ‘Bigfoot’ seeks to boost eco-tourism

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 9th, 2012

Shennongjia, a forest region and long rumored home of the elusive Bigfoot-like ape man in the central province of Hubei, wants eco-tourism there to boost the underdeveloped region’s economy.

Read: Home of Chinese ‘Bigfoot’ seeks to boost eco-tourism »

Texas and Oregon: Many Things In Common

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 9th, 2012

Even their cryptids…

Watch the video here at Cryptomundo.

Read: Texas and Oregon: Many Things In Common »

Dr. Melba Ketchum Q&A: Sasquatch Origin, Neanderthal DNA

Posted by: Bigfoot Evidence on March 8th, 2012

Dr. Melba Ketchum has a paper currently in peer-review that will help prove the existence of Bigfoot. She has a public Facebook page where she takes time from her busy schedule to answer some questions unrelated to the paper. Here’s the latest Q&A: Read more at Bigfoot Evidence blog.

Read: Dr. Melba Ketchum Q&A: Sasquatch Origin, Neanderthal DNA »

Mokele-Mbembe Hunter’s Gravesite Service

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 8th, 2012

#Obituary #Mokele-Mbembe #Obituary
More than a dozen attended.

Read: Mokele-Mbembe Hunter’s Gravesite Service »

Letters From The Big Man DVD Available

Posted by: Guy Edwards on March 8th, 2012

Dear friends, we have launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the home video release of “Letters from the Big Man.” By contributing $25, you will receive the commercially manufactured DVD, including bonus material, prior to its release to the general public.–Christopher Munch

Read: Letters From The Big Man DVD Available »

A Reflective Mood

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 8th, 2012

#Cryptozoology #LorenColeman @CryptoLoren

Read: A Reflective Mood »

Mokele-Mbembe Expedition Leader Laid To Rest

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 7th, 2012

#Cryptozoologist #Mokele-Mbembe #Obituary
A life so exciting, sadly, ended so very lonely. Let us remember and celebrate his time with us. James Powell, Jr., 78, was recently buried in Texas.

Read: Mokele-Mbembe Expedition Leader Laid To Rest »

Hunt For The Last Kakapo

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 6th, 2012

Are there less than 50 left now?

Read: Hunt For The Last Kakapo »

Anatomy of Melissa Hovey Bigfoot Picture by David Claerr

Posted by: Guy Edwards on March 6th, 2012

Whether it is stars aligning just right or coincidence, we can agree on serendipity. When Melissa Hovey’s picture of the back of a Sasquatch came out, David Claerr was already working on an article and 3D illustration about the anatomy of the upper torso of Sasquatch.

Read: Anatomy of Melissa Hovey Bigfoot Picture by David Claerr »

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