Author Archive

Are Sasquatch Supernatural?

Posted by: Christopher Noël on March 6th, 2017

To Woo or not to Woo?

Read: Are Sasquatch Supernatural? »

Flash Forward: A Vision of our Life with Sasquatch, 2067

Posted by: Christopher Noël on January 26th, 2017

We once believed that our direct ancestors, Homo sapiens, fifty thousand years ago, had to contend with only a couple of thuggish and inferior contemporaries—Homo neanderthalis and Homo heidelbergensis. Then came Homo floresiensis in 2003, Homo denisovans in 2010, Homo argeninsis and Homo moraviansis in 2019, and eleven more since then, along with the recognition—forced on us by whole genome analysis—that back in the day, we all hopped from cave to cave, sharing our DNA like the common cold.

The wide array of surviving hairy kinfolk—Almas, Orang Pendek, Sasquatch, Yeren, Yeti, Yowie, and so on—emerged from this bubbling Homosphere like mutts from an unchaperoned dog park. Or, to elevate the imagery a little…we now understand that each distinct woodland variety represents its own winning chord in the ancient mixed chorus.

Read: Flash Forward: A Vision of our Life with Sasquatch, 2067 »

Sasquatch Landscape

Posted by: Christopher Noël on November 4th, 2016

A Project Go and See Montage

Read: Sasquatch Landscape »

Sasquatch Stick Structures

Posted by: Christopher Noël on October 30th, 2016

For centuries, we have come across striking and consistent stick and tree structures in the forest, especially in areas with a long history of Sasquatch encounters.

Read: Sasquatch Stick Structures »

Robert Dodson Films Clear Sasquatch Head

Posted by: Christopher Noël on June 19th, 2016

After many months of dedicated fieldwork in the woods of Oklahoma and Texas, this researcher has obtained very valuable footage.

Read: Robert Dodson Films Clear Sasquatch Head »

BFRO Expeditions

Posted by: Christopher Noël on June 4th, 2016

In late August, I will be leading two Sasquatch expeditions, each lasting three days/nights.

Read: BFRO Expeditions »

Electric Sasquatch

Posted by: Christopher Noël on May 8th, 2016

How a Natural Force may Explain “Supernatural” Powers

Read: Electric Sasquatch »

Morning Visits 2015: First Sasquatch Footage and an Unforgettable Lesson

Posted by: Christopher Noël on October 5th, 2015

Finally footage!

Read: Morning Visits 2015: First Sasquatch Footage and an Unforgettable Lesson »

The Sasquatch Savant Theory 2: Notes from an Autism Expert

Posted by: Christopher Noël on August 31st, 2015

Exploring connections between the nature of Sasquatch and the nature of autism.

Read: The Sasquatch Savant Theory 2: Notes from an Autism Expert »

Breaking News: Sasquatch 100% Proven

Posted by: Christopher Noël on August 11th, 2015

No, this is not about my ongoing field research in Vermont. The proof was obtained elsewhere.

Read: Breaking News: Sasquatch 100% Proven »

Sasquatch Stick and Tree Structures: A New Interpretation

Posted by: Christopher Noël on July 10th, 2015

Exploring connections between the nature of Sasquatch and the nature of autism.

Read: Sasquatch Stick and Tree Structures: A New Interpretation »

Ravine Film Project 2015: Setting the Scene

Posted by: Christopher Noël on July 6th, 2015

Since the end of April, I have been returning to the ravine regularly. Update videos to follow.

Read: Ravine Film Project 2015: Setting the Scene »

Why “Big Red” is a Real Sasquatch

Posted by: Christopher Noël on June 30th, 2015

Since it was shot in Ontario in September of 2013, Timbergiantbigfoot’s footage has taken a lot of heat from short-sighted detractors. And yet, it shows a genuine Sasquatch and deserves a great deal more recognition. The only way this is not a Sasquatch is if it’s a gorilla. But wait, gorillas aren’t red. Okay, the only way this is not a Sasquatch is if it’s an orangutan and her baby…in an Ontario forest.

Read: Why “Big Red” is a Real Sasquatch »

The Girl Who Spoke with Giants

Posted by: Christopher Noël on June 16th, 2015


Read: The Girl Who Spoke with Giants »

GoFundMe Project: Finally, Footage Goal Met

Posted by: Christopher Noël on March 5th, 2015

We’ve just met our goal! Thanks to all contributors. Here is a new video that explains where we now stand.

Read: GoFundMe Project: Finally, Footage Goal Met »

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