Author Archive

A Man Passes a Polygraph Claiming He Killed Bigfoot. Now What?

Posted by: Guy Edwards on August 16th, 2012

Justin Smeja claims to have killed Bigfoot. He recently passed a lie detector test, or more properly, during a polygraph examination, there was no deception indicated. Does it progress Bigfoot research?

Read: A Man Passes a Polygraph Claiming He Killed Bigfoot. Now What? »

Pay Your Bills with Bigfoot Themed Checks

Posted by: Guy Edwards on August 13th, 2012

Show your Bigfoot pride by paying your bills with Bigfoot themed checks.

Read: Pay Your Bills with Bigfoot Themed Checks »

No Takers on $80,000 Bigfoot, Price Goes Up to $85,000

Posted by: Guy Edwards on July 30th, 2012

“Any business man could build a museum for [the Bigfoot replica] and make his money back. If I don’t sell it, that’s exactly what I’ll do” –Clifford LaBrecque upon raising the price of his Bigfoot Statue.

Read: No Takers on $80,000 Bigfoot, Price Goes Up to $85,000 »

US Federal Govt: Denies Mermaids and Embraces Bigfoot

Posted by: Guy Edwards on July 10th, 2012

The tale of two different Govt responses to cryptids. Plus Bureau of Land Management produces a video to recommend 3 places to search for Sasquatch.

Read: US Federal Govt: Denies Mermaids and Embraces Bigfoot »

“I Killed Bigfoot”: A Justin Smeja Documentary Coming This Week

Posted by: Guy Edwards on July 9th, 2012

A new documentary about a very controversial Bigfooter. Justin Smeja. Not only is it frowned upon to actually shoot a Bigfoot, some in the community say Smeja’s story does not add up.

Read: “I Killed Bigfoot”: A Justin Smeja Documentary Coming This Week »

Chinese Bigfoot Expedition Details Under Reported

Posted by: Guy Edwards on July 8th, 2012

The Chinese Bigfoot expedition is all over the news, officially it starts today (07.08.2012). For all the widespread coverage, the details in all the reports are quite lacking.

Read: Chinese Bigfoot Expedition Details Under Reported »

Vermont News: Sasquatch Authors, Witnesses and ‘Finding Bigfoot’

Posted by: Guy Edwards on April 13th, 2012

Bigfoot trailcam of possible mother holding infant in an apple orchard is covered by local Vermont news. Video and Audio interview with witness Frank Siecienski.

Read: Vermont News: Sasquatch Authors, Witnesses and ‘Finding Bigfoot’ »

Michigan News: Finding Bigfoot Misses an Opportunity, Interviews Michigan BFRO Member

Posted by: Guy Edwards on April 11th, 2012

Three Michigan news sites react to the visit from the TV crew of Finding Bigfoot, one article thinks Finding Bigfoot missed an opportunity

Read: Michigan News: Finding Bigfoot Misses an Opportunity, Interviews Michigan BFRO Member »

Letters From The Big Man DVD Available

Posted by: Guy Edwards on March 8th, 2012

Dear friends, we have launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the home video release of “Letters from the Big Man.” By contributing $25, you will receive the commercially manufactured DVD, including bonus material, prior to its release to the general public.–Christopher Munch

Read: Letters From The Big Man DVD Available »

Anatomy of Melissa Hovey Bigfoot Picture by David Claerr

Posted by: Guy Edwards on March 6th, 2012

Whether it is stars aligning just right or coincidence, we can agree on serendipity. When Melissa Hovey’s picture of the back of a Sasquatch came out, David Claerr was already working on an article and 3D illustration about the anatomy of the upper torso of Sasquatch.

Read: Anatomy of Melissa Hovey Bigfoot Picture by David Claerr »

Skeptic Assumes Too Much in Cryptomundo Attack

Posted by: Guy Edwards on March 5th, 2012

Hmmm…I was accused of not doing my homework then it was said I only accused Coleman of a cheap attempt to get hits on 9/11 (which it was) and shamelessly plugging his book (which he did). Please help me figure out where I didn’t do my homework. This is a common tactic used by you Colemanites, accusing people of not doing homework then when I ask what isn’t factual about my statement, none of you, Coleman included has a response.Bobby Nelson

Read: Skeptic Assumes Too Much in Cryptomundo Attack »

Bigfoot Believers: Americans vs. Canadians

Posted by: Guy Edwards on March 4th, 2012

One out of five Canadians believe the legendary Bigfoot stomps through the forests. Americans are even more inclined to believe Bigfoot lives in the West Coast mountains.

Read: Bigfoot Believers: Americans vs. Canadians »

First Pictures of ‘Bigfoot’! The SyFy movie

Posted by: Guy Edwards on February 14th, 2012

SyFy’s Bigfoot! movie has quite the line up! Danny Partridge (Danny Bonaduce), Greg Brady (Barry Williams), Billy Idol, Alice Cooper, WKRP’s Johnny Fever (Howard Hessman), Audrey Horne (Sherilyn Fenn) from Twin Peaks, and the dad (Bruce Davison) from the TV version of Harry and the Hendersons!

Read: First Pictures of ‘Bigfoot’! The SyFy movie »

Larry the Cable Guy Goes Bigfooting

Posted by: Guy Edwards on January 11th, 2012

This is the howl isolated from our 11-11-11 investigation with the History channel [and Larry the Cable Guy]. We received two vocal responses immediately after we made calls, both within seconds of each other. I sent the audio out for analysis by a bigfoot-sound expert/friend, Mononga Hela.

Read: Larry the Cable Guy Goes Bigfooting »

Bigfoot Lunch Club Asks Skeptic to Weigh-in on Finding Bigfoot‘s Ranae Holland

Posted by: Guy Edwards on January 9th, 2012

“There is quite a bit of common ground that Bigfoot skeptics and believers leap over in order to get to the arguing phase. That’s a mistake. It sure would be more productive if we could start from an agreed upon place and move forward, not push against each other. Perhaps then we can actually make some progress in coming to terms with one of America’s most fascinating mysteries. So, indulge me while I explain how the critical eye views Finding Bigfoot and why it’s important to be skeptical, that is, if you want to get closer to the truth.” Sharon Hill

Read: Bigfoot Lunch Club Asks Skeptic to Weigh-in on Finding Bigfoot‘s Ranae Holland »

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