Archive for the “Bigfoot”

New Jersey is a Sasquatch Playground

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 30th, 2014

The Finding Bigfoot team is back and traveling to New Jersey where they meet with a host of witnesses to unravel a rash of stories from the 1970s.

Read: New Jersey is a Sasquatch Playground »

Sasquatch Chronicles: Show Notes with Shannon Archive-Jeffrey Kelley

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on December 30th, 2014

I will be joined on this episode, by Jeffrey Kelley. He hosts the Squatcher’s Lounge Podcast, and produces Bigfoot Campfire Stories.

Read: Sasquatch Chronicles: Show Notes with Shannon Archive-Jeffrey Kelley »

Bigfoot Expedition Rough Hollow & Sasquatch Canyon

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 30th, 2014

95 minute Bigfoot expedition to Sasquatch Canyon’s Rough Hollow with Kalub Shaw & Kelly Shaw. Epic day of Bigfooting. 4 sets of Bigfoot track ways found.

Read: Bigfoot Expedition Rough Hollow & Sasquatch Canyon »

Sasquatch Chronicles: Show Notes with Shannon-Ian Weston Reminder

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on December 29th, 2014

Today, Monday Dec 29th at 10am PST:

Today, I will be speaking with Ian Weston. He is a British-based researcher, who has had his own sighting of the also elusive, British version of our own, North American Sasquatch. He says the U.K. version is unique to that area, so we will be discussing this at length.

Read: Sasquatch Chronicles: Show Notes with Shannon-Ian Weston Reminder »

Bigfoot Turf Wars

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on December 29th, 2014


Audio file of a suspected male group of sasquatch on the perimeter of the Brown property, in Grays Harbor, Washington. Tree knocking and crazy vocals are apparent.

Read: Bigfoot Turf Wars »

Finding Bigfoot: Squatchers Take New Jersey

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 28th, 2014

Premieres Sunday, December 28, 9:02 PM ET/PT on Animal Planet

Compelling evidence brings the team back to the most surprisingly squatchy state, New Jersey. After a night investigation and town hall meeting, Cliff breaks from the team tosquatch with his friend, comedian Bobcat Goldthwait.

Read: Finding Bigfoot: Squatchers Take New Jersey »

Ripplebrook Bigfoot Sighting Oregon

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 28th, 2014

Another Bigfoot sighting in an Oregon Bigfoot sighting hot spot.

Read: Ripplebrook Bigfoot Sighting Oregon »

The Mystery of Bigfoot

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on December 27th, 2014

Find out why so many millions of Americans are obsessed with this mysterious man-ape.

Read: The Mystery of Bigfoot »

Does Bigfoot Hibernate?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 27th, 2014

Join Michael (Merchant) for a brief walk in the forest and discuss the timeless question. Does Bigfoot hibernate in the winter?

Read: Does Bigfoot Hibernate? »

The Falcon Project Is Looking For 10 People

Posted by: Bigfoot Evidence on December 26th, 2014

William Allen Barnes of the Falcon Project tells us they needs 10 people for a 6 month research study program out in the back country. This will require the researchers to “stay out there”.

Read: The Falcon Project Is Looking For 10 People »

Sasquatch Chronicles Archive: The “Insider” Part 1

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on December 26th, 2014

This week we have a two part show. We have an “insider” who will be coming on to share his encounter and knowledge of some government emails he came across between the U.S. Department of the Interior and The Bureau of Land Management. I have asked him to change his story about how he acquired the emails because I want to keep him as a contact. He will share as much as he can without giving away his identity.

The first part of the show will focus on a property he lived on where this creature was killing everything it could and the harassment towards his family that followed. This is part one of the interview!

Read: Sasquatch Chronicles Archive: The “Insider” Part 1 »

Sasquatch Chronicles

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 26th, 2014

In this segment of Sasquatch Chronicles, we visit the land of the Chehalis in southwest Washington State. Features Chehalis Tribal members, Mel Youckton and Bruce Klatush Sr. on the sacred teaching of respecting the ancient peoples of the forest.

Read: Sasquatch Chronicles »

Clackamas River Bigfoot Expedition & Sighting Reports

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 26th, 2014

Missing Person in Rock Lakes/Clackamas River, Oregon. After years of Bigfoot activity in the area, was Robert Bissell taken by a Bigfoot?

Read: Clackamas River Bigfoot Expedition & Sighting Reports »

SasWhat: The Bigfoot Year-in-Review Special

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on December 25th, 2014

Just in time for Christmas, Mark and Seth adopt a pro-truth stance and start dropping BOMBS on their listening audience. Or maybe they’re just sharing some opinions. It’s entirely up to you to perceive how you take this one.

They talk about Bigfoot movies, the Ohio Bigfoot Conference (yes, again), … Todd Standing and Jeff Meldrum, and the various DNA studies.

Read: SasWhat: The Bigfoot Year-in-Review Special »

Santa Claus, Last of the Wild Men

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 25th, 2014


The Origins and Evolution of Saint Nicholas, Spanning 50,000 Years

Read: Santa Claus, Last of the Wild Men »

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