Archive for the “Books”
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on January 11th, 2015
Join Craig, Monica, Howard and our new co-host Shelly Covington-Montana tonight, January 11th at 8:30 PM Central as we welcome British author and cryptozoological investigator/researcher Adam Davies to discuss his new book Manbeasts: A Personal Investigation.
Read: CryptoCast Tonight: Adam Davies and Manbeasts »
Categorized as: Almas, Bigfoot, Bigfoot Report, Books, CryptoCast, CryptoRadio, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Expedition Reports, Extreme Expeditions, Finding Bigfoot, Footprint Evidence, Orang Pendek, Podcast, Sasquatch, Yeren, Yeti | Comments Off on CryptoCast Tonight: Adam Davies and Manbeasts
Posted by: Guy Edwards on January 9th, 2015
2003. It was a Thursday night exactly twelve years ago today when a documentary film, “Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science,” aired on the Discovery Channel.
Read: Today in Bigfoot History | 2003 | Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science Debuts »
Categorized as: Bigfoot, Bigfoot Lunch Club, Books, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Eyewitness Accounts, Footprint Evidence, Forensic Science, Sasquatch, Television | Comments Off on Today in Bigfoot History | 2003 | Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science Debuts
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on January 9th, 2015
Join Craig, Monica, Howard and our new co-host Shelly Covington-Montana Sunday night, January 11th at 8:30 PM Central as we welcome British author and cryptozoological investigator/researcher Adam Davies to discuss his new book Manbeasts: A Personal Investigation.
Read: New CryptoCast Sunday Night: Adam Davies and Manbeasts »
Categorized as: Almas, Bigfoot, Bigfoot Report, Books, CryptoCast, CryptoRadio, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Expedition Reports, Extreme Expeditions, Finding Bigfoot, Footprint Evidence, Orang Pendek, Podcast, Sasquatch, Yeren, Yeti | Comments Off on New CryptoCast Sunday Night: Adam Davies and Manbeasts
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on January 8th, 2015

From the darkest areas of shadows and the closed corners of our mind emerge the Ghost Creatures. From time to time our senses detect the Ghost Creatures which quickly disappear back into the closed dark areas of time and space. These often reported, undocumented, strange, unknown creatures are real. But what is real? Witness after witness may: see, smell, hear and even, on occasion, find physical evidence of it. Occasionally, tangible items or blurry pictures are documented. Groups of people have claimed to experience similar encounters. Some individuals report multiple encounters. For these people, it IS real.
Read: A Cold Case of a Ghost Creature: The Corndog Creature of Macon County »
Categorized as: Bigfoot Report, Books, Cryptid Canids, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Eyewitness Accounts, Guest Blog | Comments Off on A Cold Case of a Ghost Creature: The Corndog Creature of Macon County
Posted by: Nick Redfern on January 5th, 2015

Excellent news for fans of cryptozoology in general and lake-monsters in particular. Anomalist Books have just released a new edition of Peter Costello’s classic study, In Search of Lake Monsters.
Read: In Search of Lake Monsters Resurfaces! »
Categorized as: Books, Champ/Lake Champlain Monster, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Eyewitness Accounts, Lair of the Beasts, Lake Monsters, Loch Ness Monster, Ogopogo | Comments Off on In Search of Lake Monsters Resurfaces!
Posted by: Christopher Noël on January 2nd, 2015
Although we cannot study the psychology of Sasquatch directly, we are in good position already to make educated guesses about their mentality based on behavioral analysis.
Skeptics are fond of asking, as though no answer were remotely possible, “HOW could an eight-foot-tall primate exist undiscovered in our backyard?”
Read: The Mind of Sasquatch »
Categorized as: Bigfoot, Bigfoot Report, Books, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Sasquatch, The Sasquatch Listening Project, Videos | Comments Off on The Mind of Sasquatch
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on January 2nd, 2015
Linda is an author, illustrator and researcher of strange creatures, eccentric people and other curious things! She’ll talk about her search for the Dogman with Dave! She’s familiar with various types of upright canids, ETs, and has been authoring books as well! Look for her latest book, American Monsters from Tarcher Penguin!
Read: Discussing the Dogman with Linda Godfrey »
Categorized as: Bigfoot, Bigfoot Report, Books, Cryptid Canids, CryptoRadio, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Eyewitness Accounts, Podcast, Sasquatch | Comments Off on Discussing the Dogman with Linda Godfrey
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on January 1st, 2015
The Year 2014 saw some intriguing discoveries made and research revealed. One individual stands out in the field of Bigfoot research, Sasquatch studies, and cryptozoology for his work in pushing forward serious, thoughtful, analytic work on a specific piece of evidence – the Patterson-Gimlin footage. That person is our “Cryptozoologist of the Year 2014.” He is Bill Munns.
Read: Cryptozoologist of the Year 2014: Bill Munns »
Categorized as: Bigfoot, Bigfoot Report, Books, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Eyewitness Accounts, Footprint Evidence, Forensic Science, Men in Cryptozoology, Sasquatch, Year In Review | Comments Off on Cryptozoologist of the Year 2014: Bill Munns
Posted by: Shannon LeGro on December 21st, 2014
Tonight, December 21st at 5pm PST:
Brad Lockwood is an author of 9 books, including “On Giants: Mounds, Monsters, Myth
Man — Or, why we want to be small.” Brad writes us “This is my lifelong study of early Native American mounds, who built them, and the supposed big bones unearthed. A bit of an expert on the subject, I do find intriguing similarities with your infamous beast” Tonight we will discuss burial mounds, giants and Sasquatch.
Read: Sasquatch Chronicles: Giants in America Reminder »
Categorized as: Bigfoot, Books, CryptoRadio, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Podcast, Pop Culture, Sasquatch, Sasquatch Chronicles, True Giant | Comments Off on Sasquatch Chronicles: Giants in America Reminder
Posted by: Shannon LeGro on December 20th, 2014
Tonight, Shannon is joined by Lyle Blackburn. He is a cryptid researcher and author, from Texas. We will be discussing Boggy Creek, the Lake Worth monster in Texas, and the Lizardman sightings in South Carolina.
Read: Sasquatch Chronicles: Show Notes with Shannon Archive-Lyle Blackburn »
Categorized as: Bigfoot, Books, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Eyewitness Accounts, Men in Cryptozoology, Podcast, Pop Culture, Sasquatch, Sasquatch Chronicles, Swamp Monsters | Comments Off on Sasquatch Chronicles: Show Notes with Shannon Archive-Lyle Blackburn
Posted by: Shannon LeGro on December 15th, 2014
Tonight, Dec 15th at 5pm PST:
I am joined by Lyle Blackburn. He is a cryptid researcher and author, from Texas. We will be discussing Boggy Creek, the Lake Worth monster in Texas, and the Lizardman sightings in South Carolina.
Read: Show Notes with Shannon-Lyle Blackburn Reminder »
Categorized as: Bigfoot, Books, Cryptid Cinema, CryptoRadio, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Eyewitness Accounts, Lizard People, Men in Cryptozoology, Podcast, Pop Culture, Sasquatch, Sasquatch Chronicles, Swamp Monsters | Comments Off on Show Notes with Shannon-Lyle Blackburn Reminder
Posted by: Shannon LeGro on December 13th, 2014
Mark and Seth sat down with Kathy Strain for a discussion of her book, Giants, Cannibals and Monsters: Bigfoot in Native Culture, and much more. How much more? The rim fire, Kathy’s deep, deep, deep involvement in a shadowy government conspiracy to cover up Bigfoot…
Read: SasWhat: Kathy Strain »
Categorized as: Bigfoot, Books, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Podcast, Pop Culture, Sasquatch, Sasquatch Chronicles, Women in Cryptozoology | Comments Off on SasWhat: Kathy Strain
Posted by: Lyle Blackburn on December 12th, 2014
Though the cases are often entangled with urban legend, reported sightings of bipedal, goat-like creatures do enter the realms of cryptozoology. Dubbed “goatmen,” the beasts are described as either hairy humanoids with a goat-like head or horned men with fur and hooves, often bent on frightening those who encounter them. With an abundance of shocking tales involving these modern satyrs, author and paranormal researcher, J. Nathan Couch, sets out to explore the phenomenon in his new book, Goatman: Flesh or Folklore. Within the pages, Couch recounts famous cases – including that of the Pope Lick Monster, Maryland Goatman, and the Lake Worth Monster – along with a hoard of other hoof-walking horrors as he attempts to separate fact from folklore.
Read: Goatman: Flesh or Folklore Book »
Categorized as: Bigfoot, Books, Cryptozoology, Folklore, Monstro Bizarro, Pop Culture, Sasquatch, Swamp Monsters | Comments Off on Goatman: Flesh or Folklore Book
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 10th, 2014
Large, hairy, bipedal anthropoid beings were described in the ancient legends of the indigenous people of British Columbia long before “Bigfoot” became a phenomenon in popular culture. The Bukwus (male sasquatch in Kwakwaka’wakw) and D’sonoqua (female version) appear in carvings and dance as well as folklore. Native Watchman Tom Sewid talks about his personal encounter with the Bukwus, “The Wild Man of the Woods” , in 1994 while on a fishing boat anchored off of Village Island in the Broughton Archipelago.
Read: Encounters with the Sasquatch »
Categorized as: Bigfoot, Bigfoot Report, Books, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Eyewitness Accounts, Folklore, Sasquatch, Videos | 1 Comment »
Posted by: Karl Shuker on December 9th, 2014
…the publication of The Menagerie of Marvels, whose subtitle, A Third Compendium of Extraordinary Animals, reveals that it is volume #3 in my series dealing with extraordinary animals from both cryptozoology and mainstream zoology.
Read: My Menagerie of Marvels is Here! »
Categorized as: Avian Mysteries, Books, Classic Animals of Discovery, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Extinct, Eyewitness Accounts, Folklore, Forteana, Fossil Finds, Hoaxes, Lake Monsters, Merbeings, Photos, Sea Monsters, Sea Serpents, ShukerNature, Swamp Monsters, Weird Animal News | Comments Off on My Menagerie of Marvels is Here!