Archive for the “Breaking News”

Scientist Claims He Solved the Mystery of Bigfoot

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on February 3rd, 2023

A data scientist thinks he’s solved the mystery of Bigfoot ― not by searching for the creature out in the wilds, but by examining the math instead.

Read: Scientist Claims He Solved the Mystery of Bigfoot »

Expedition Bigfoot

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 5th, 2019

Team Believes an Advanced Algorithm is the Missing Key to Solving the Bigfoot Legend

Read: Expedition Bigfoot »

Forthcoming Cryptozoology Books in 2019

Posted by: Loren Coleman on December 19th, 2018

What lies ahead?

Read: Forthcoming Cryptozoology Books in 2019 »

Alaska Thunderbird Sighted

Posted by: Ken Gerhard on February 6th, 2018

According to several eyewitness reports, a bird with a wingspan nearly the width of Mendenhall Loop Road has been spotted in the Mendenhall Valley.

Read: Alaska Thunderbird Sighted »

Earthquake and Tsunami Warnings Send Alaska Bigfoot Heading for the Hills

Posted by: Loren Coleman on January 24th, 2018

…during the recent tsunami warning there, three Native families saw “Bigfoot-like creatures heading up the hills to higher grounds.” Multiple tracks were seen.

Read: Earthquake and Tsunami Warnings Send Alaska Bigfoot Heading for the Hills »

Dr. Meldrum moves closer to Scientific acceptance of Bigfoot

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 1st, 2017

Todd Standing and Dr. Jeff Meldrum discuss some very interesting Sasquatch theories and evidence.

Read: Dr. Meldrum moves closer to Scientific acceptance of Bigfoot »

Creepy Jungle Giant caught on Video

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on October 17th, 2016


Bigfoot, Sasquatch, or even a creepy clown?

Read: Creepy Jungle Giant caught on Video »

Here’s Nessie!

Posted by: Karl Shuker on September 20th, 2016


The Loch Ness Monster (LNM) is not only the premier mystery beast of the United Kingdom, it also vies with the bigfoot or sasquatch as the most famous one anywhere in the world.

Read: Here’s Nessie! »

International Cryptozoology Society Established

Posted by: Loren Coleman on January 26th, 2016

The logo harkens back to an old favorite in cryptozoology.

Read: International Cryptozoology Society Established »

Happy Holidays Crypto Sale!!

Posted by: Loren Coleman on December 15th, 2015

End of 2015 Crypto Sale!!

Read: Happy Holidays Crypto Sale!! »

Author, Friend, Bigfooter Rob Riggs Dies

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 5th, 2015

I received word a few hours ago that friend and fellow Bigfooter Rob Riggs passed away a few days ago.

I first met Rob when he spoke at my 2001 Texas Bigfoot Conference. That event was impacted by 9/11, which happened 4 days earlier. Several speakers were unable to fly in for the event, but Rob drove up for the event.

He had many interesting theories about the Big Thicket Wildman (Bigfoot) that he hopefully has the answers to now.

Godspeed Rob!

Read: Author, Friend, Bigfooter Rob Riggs Dies »

Bigfooter Jared Hosack, 39, Dies

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 4th, 2015

A young Bigfoot enthusiast, who graced the pages of this blog in 2008, died suddenly last month.

Read: Bigfooter Jared Hosack, 39, Dies »

Corfu Cryptid

Posted by: Loren Coleman on October 28th, 2015


What is it?

Read: Corfu Cryptid »

Into the Fray Radio Debut Tonight

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on September 17th, 2015

Shannon LeGro’s new show, Into the Fray is here. It is a multi-topic venture featuring guests and investigators covering a broad range. With collaborators such as UFO Journalist, Ryan Sprague and Crypto Dark Artist, Sam Shearon, each show will be unique and offer a fresh take on the heavily debated topics in the community.

Read: Into the Fray Radio Debut Tonight »

Caught on Video: Terrier Saves Owner From Bigfoot

Posted by: Chalupacabra on August 10th, 2015

A man visiting North Carolina with his Yorkshire Terrier was on the look out for bears – until a Bigfoot came along. Fortunately, Zippy sprung into action and scared the hairy intruder away. And it was all caught on video!

Read: Caught on Video: Terrier Saves Owner From Bigfoot »

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