Archive for the “Lair of the Beasts”

ABCs and the Government

Posted by: Nick Redfern on April 6th, 2012

X-Files on the ABCs…?

Read: ABCs and the Government »

The Creature of the Castle

Posted by: Nick Redfern on April 6th, 2012

An English Wild Thing…

Read: The Creature of the Castle »

Boggy Creek Comes To Dallas

Posted by: Nick Redfern on April 3rd, 2012

A Sasquatch on Elm Street…

Read: Boggy Creek Comes To Dallas »

The Cross Timbers Creature Conference: April 14

Posted by: Nick Redfern on April 2nd, 2012

Lecturing on Bigfoot…

Read: The Cross Timbers Creature Conference: April 14 »

The Beast of Bala

Posted by: Nick Redfern on April 1st, 2012

There’s something in the water…

Read: The Beast of Bala »

Orang-Pendek: Sumatra’s Forgotten Ape

Posted by: Nick Redfern on November 22nd, 2011

Orang-Pendek: Sumatra’s Forgotten Ape

Nick Redfern reviews Richard Freeman’s book about his expeditions to Sumatra in search of the Orang Pendek.

Read: Orang-Pendek: Sumatra’s Forgotten Ape »

What is the Loch Ness Monster?

Posted by: Nick Redfern on November 8th, 2011

What do the Cryptomundians think resides in the deep, dark waters of Loch Ness?

Read: What is the Loch Ness Monster? »

Winged Weirdies in Texas?

Posted by: Nick Redfern on September 22nd, 2011

Supposedly, on one occasion in the dead of night (when else?), a group of local kids playing in the area and scaring themselves stupid by walking around the old, dark building witnessed two, eight-foot-tall, humanoid creatures climb stealthily out of the building’s cellar.

Not only were the creatures eight-foot-tall; they were also gray of skin, had large, leathery wings, and glowing red eyes. In other words, they weren’t local folk. I think! In fact, they sounded like something straight out of Jeepers Creepers or The Mothman Prophecies.

Read: Winged Weirdies in Texas? »

Nick Redfern: Beware of the Big Gray Man

Posted by: Nick Redfern on September 14th, 2011

Nick Redfern manages to stir things up when his articles are posted here at Cryptomundo.

See: Nick Redfern on Monsters and Proof
And: Nick Redfern Further Expounds on Monsters and Proof
And: Nick Redfern: Proof of Bigfoot

Read Nick’s latest guest blog here at Cryptomundo.

Read: Nick Redfern: Beware of the Big Gray Man »

Nick Redfern: Proof of Bigfoot

Posted by: Nick Redfern on August 2nd, 2011

Nick Redfern manages to stir things up when his articles are posted here at Cryptomundo.

See: Nick Redfern on Monsters and Proof.
And: Nick Redfern Further Expounds on Monsters and Proof.

Read Nick’s latest guest blog here at Cryptomundo.

Read: Nick Redfern: Proof of Bigfoot »

Nick Redfern Further Expounds on Monsters and Proof

Posted by: Nick Redfern on June 7th, 2011

I posted Nick’s article from his Lair of the Beasts column earlier today here on Cryptomundo.

Loren responded with his post Cryptids Are Not Totally Elusive, Actually.

Nick further expounds on his theory here exclusively on Cryptomundo.

Read: Nick Redfern Further Expounds on Monsters and Proof »

Nick Redfern on Monsters and Proof

Posted by: Nick Redfern on June 7th, 2011

When will we have proof that Bigfoot is a giant ape, and the creatures of Loch Ness represent a surviving, relic population of plesiosaurs?

And that’s the problem we have when it comes to securing proof: If Bigfoot is just a large, unclassified ape then we would surely have secured the evidence in support of such a scenario by now. It’s the same with Nessie: where are the bodies?

Read: Nick Redfern on Monsters and Proof »

Men in Black and Monsters

Posted by: Nick Redfern on May 22nd, 2011

For decades – or perhaps even for centuries, some firmly believe – the infamous Men in Black have been elusive, predatory, fear-inducing figures that have hovered with disturbing regularity upon the enigmatic fringes of the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), coldly nurturing, and carefully weaving, their very own unique brand of horror and intimidation of a definitively other-world variety.

But what’s far less well known is the fact that the Men in Black have a deep and lasting link to the subjects of Cryptozoology and strange creatures.

Read: Men in Black and Monsters »


Posted by: Nick Redfern on May 9th, 2011


Originally published more than twenty-years ago, Monstrum! A Wizard’s Tale is a book that, if you didn’t read it first time around, you most definitely should now. Why? We’ll, here’s why: the good folk at CFZ Press (Jon & Corinna Downes and Co.) have just made available a brand new edition of this mighty, monster-driven classic.

Penned by the legendary Tony “Doc” Shiels – truly a phenomenon as much as a man – it’s one of those books that should not just be carefully devoured by cryptozoologists everywhere, but also by ufologists, ghost-hunters, and just about anyone and everyone with more than a passing interest in what has come to be known as Forteana.

Read: Monstrum! »

Crop Circle Creatures

Posted by: Nick Redfern on May 1st, 2011

Without doubt, one of the strangest aspects of cryptozoology, is it’s tie-in with the Crop Circle mystery. Although it’s a little-known aspect of both phenomena, more than a few accounts exist of strange creatures seen in and around Crop Circles.

Read: Crop Circle Creatures »

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