Archive for the “Sea Serpents”

August in the North Atlantic: Sea Serpents and Merbeings

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 6th, 2011

It then raised its head six feet out of the water.

Read: August in the North Atlantic: Sea Serpents and Merbeings »

Find Fort’s Grave and Celebrate Sea Serpent Day on August 6th

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 5th, 2011

After all, it is Charles Fort’s birthday. Image.

Read: Find Fort’s Grave and Celebrate Sea Serpent Day on August 6th »

Cryptomundo Meets Marvin the Monster

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on August 1st, 2011

Cryptomundian Mibs has found some images of Marvin the Monster.

See the images here at Cryptomundo.

Read: Cryptomundo Meets Marvin the Monster »

John Kirk on the Alaskan Cadborosaurus Footage

Posted by: John Kirk on July 29th, 2011

John Kirk has words for his detractors…

Read: John Kirk on the Alaskan Cadborosaurus Footage »

Alaskan Cadborosaurus Footage on Global BC News

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on July 27th, 2011

Jason Walton and John Kirk discuss Kelly Nash’s Alaskan Marine Cryptid footage on Global BC News on July 26, 2011.

Read: Alaskan Cadborosaurus Footage on Global BC News »

Hillstrands Going After Caddy Again?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on July 23rd, 2011

Hillstrand, on the other hand, isn’t ruling out another Cadborosaurus-related trip.

“We live in Alaska, so we might investigate Cadborosaurus again in future,” he said. “We are always up for an adventure.”

Read: Hillstrands Going After Caddy Again? »

New Loch Ness Monster Photos

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on July 23rd, 2011

Loch Ness Monster Photo

Second Nessie sighting of Summer 2011 provides striking photos.

See them here at Cryptomundo.

Read: New Loch Ness Monster Photos »

Sea Monster Carcass Washes Ashore in Britain

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on July 20th, 2011

Aberdeen Sea Monster

A couple were left shocked when they discovered the rotting body of a sea monster while walking along a beach.


Read: Sea Monster Carcass Washes Ashore in Britain »

Alaskan Monster Hunt on youtube

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on July 20th, 2011

For Cryptomundians who live outside the US and were not able to watch the premiere last night, the show has been uploaded to youtube.

Read: Alaskan Monster Hunt on youtube »

Alaskan Monster Hunt: Hillstranded Premieres Tonight

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on July 19th, 2011

The Discovery Channel Show premieres tonight showing the purported Alaskan Cadborosaurus video footage.

Watch a preview here at Cryptomundo.

Read: Alaskan Monster Hunt: Hillstranded Premieres Tonight »

Alaskan Cadborosaurus Preview Now Available

Posted by: John Kirk on July 18th, 2011

Discovery Channel have now made available a preview of the Nushagak Bay Cadborosaurus footage shot by Kelly Nash and his sons.

Watch the preview videos here at Cryptomundo.

Read: Alaskan Cadborosaurus Preview Now Available »

Get Kraken: Why Scientists Should Study Sea Monsters

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on July 14th, 2011

From the Loch Ness Monster to the Kraken, sea monsters still capture the imagination centuries after medieval cartographers doodled them in the blank spots of their maps. But to Charles Paxton, a researcher at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, sea monster sightings are more than fish tales.

Read: Get Kraken: Why Scientists Should Study Sea Monsters »

John Kirk on Alaskan Cadborosaurus Footage Update

Posted by: John Kirk on June 30th, 2011

I am am excited and horrified that this is finally going to air. Excited because now it is possible that they will show the footage that Paul Leblond and I viewed and horrified because I see guns and explosions.

Read: John Kirk on Alaskan Cadborosaurus Footage Update »

Alaskan Cadborosaurus Footage To Air Next Month!

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 29th, 2011


Cadborosaurus illustration by Daniel Loxton for Junior Skeptic Magazine.

Cryptomundian Redrose999 tipped me off to this shocking news!

Discovery is finally acknowledging the Alaskan Cadborosaurus video footage!

Watch the trailer for the show, containing snippets of the footage, here on Cryptomundo.

The Hillstrands Hunt for a Sea Monster

Alaskan Monster Hunt will premiere Tuesday, July 19, at 10 p.m. after a new episode of Deadliest Catch.

Read: Alaskan Cadborosaurus Footage To Air Next Month! »

Tasmanian Globster Footage Unearthed

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 29th, 2011

Cryptozoologist Markus Hemmler unearths widely unknown video footage of the Tasmanian Globster.

Read: Tasmanian Globster Footage Unearthed »

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