Archive for “March, 2013”

Monster Squid: The Giant is Real

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 11th, 2013

Back in January, we reported on the first video footage of the giant squid being captured here on Cryptomundo.

The special program Monster Squid: The Giant is Real which features the full video will be airing on the Science Channel…

Read: Monster Squid: The Giant is Real »

Bigfoot: What About the Food?

Posted by: Nick Redfern on March 11th, 2013

Many researchers of the Bigfoot phenomenon take the view that the hairy, man-like beasts are some form of unknown ape. Or, they suggest that the creatures may represent a surviving, relic population of the presumed long-extinct, ancient ape known as Gigantopithecus, I, however, do not.

Read: Bigfoot: What About the Food? »

“Search for Hidden Beasts” Tonight

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 10th, 2013

Author and crypto researcher Ken Gerhard will be interviewing TBRC member Monica Rawlins tonight at 10pm EST/9pm CST for the new episode of “Search for Hidden Beasts”!

Read: “Search for Hidden Beasts” Tonight »

Finding Bigfoot: “Bigfoot Loves a Barbecue” Tonight

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 10th, 2013

The team travels to CT to investigate a video of a possible bigfoot captured by a mother recording her children at play. In one of the most populated states, they meet with locals and set up a bait trap in hopes of luring in any hungry bigfoots.

Read: Finding Bigfoot: “Bigfoot Loves a Barbecue” Tonight »

CFZ Yearbook: 2013

Posted by: Nick Redfern on March 10th, 2013

The latest edition of the CFZ Yearbook has just been published…

Read: CFZ Yearbook: 2013 »

Chasing Chupacabras

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 9th, 2013

I remember 1995. It did not seem an especially mystical year, or anything like one that could give birth to a new strain of folklore that could last for decades or more. But then, maybe I was too busy with the fourth grade to notice.

Read: Chasing Chupacabras »

Giants: Mystery and the Myth

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 9th, 2013

Are these the True Giants that Loren Coleman has written about?

Read: Giants: Mystery and the Myth »

14 Foot Tall Bigfoot?

Posted by: Michael Krein on March 9th, 2013

Now in my experience, I have developed a rule of thumb. I’ll call it KREIN’s rule of thumb since I’ve never heard anyone else mention it. Simply this: the height of a Bigfoot in feet can be roughly judged by dividing the footprint length in inches in half. Which is to say, your 9 foot Bigfoot is going to leave a track of 18 or 19 inches. Your 14 inch print is likely a 7 foot female. Your 16 inch an 8 foot male. Your 12 inch a 6 foot adolescent. You get the idea. Oh, and that’s roughly true for humans, too.

Read: 14 Foot Tall Bigfoot? »

The Legend of Boggy Creek: Drive-In Promotion

Posted by: Mark Jaramillo on March 8th, 2013

To promote The Legend of Boggy Creek at a drive-in back in the 1970s, one of the owners dressed in a monster costume to scare the patrons. This is vintage Super 8 footage/photos of him in the costume.

Read: The Legend of Boggy Creek: Drive-In Promotion »

American Sasquatch Hunters: Bigfoot in America

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 8th, 2013

Join us as we delve into the psyche of several Sasquatch Hunters, learn what they believe and what they don’t believe. From theories to known facts, today’s Sasquatch Hunters are closing in on this elusive hominid!

Read: American Sasquatch Hunters: Bigfoot in America »

Crypto Comics

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 8th, 2013

Bigfoot Funnies…

Read: Crypto Comics »

Sylvanic in 2013

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 7th, 2013

What has Todd Standing been up to as of late?

Read: Sylvanic in 2013 »

Karl Shuker & Japanese Monsters

Posted by: Nick Redfern on March 7th, 2013

“…horrific female entities with hyperextensible necks, maniacally-grinning strangler demons, bizarre ceiling-dwelling scare-ghouls, and numerous other equally macabre monstrosities…”

Read: Karl Shuker & Japanese Monsters »

Resurrecting the Thylacine?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 7th, 2013

People were fantasizing about reviving extinct forms of life long before Hollywood embedded the idea into our collective consciousness with Jurassic Park. Can we really do it? And if we can, why should we?

Read: Resurrecting the Thylacine? »

Creating a Phantom Black Dog

Posted by: Nick Redfern on March 6th, 2013

When a blazing-eyed spectral hound is not a blazing-eyed spectral hound, after all…

Read: Creating a Phantom Black Dog »

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