Archive for the “Abominable Snowman”

Jane Goodall Speaks Out For Bigfoot

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 11th, 2007

Jane Goodall’s stance on Bigfoot was made public in a radio interview she did on NPR on September 27, 2002. Here is the link to the interview on the NPR website. I have also found the following video on youtube. It is the audio of the Jane Goodall NPR interview, overlaid on the Patterson/Gimlin footage. […]

Read: Jane Goodall Speaks Out For Bigfoot »

Kalanoro, Yeti and Lux

Posted by: Loren Coleman on April 10th, 2007

Images of hairy hominoids are popping up in all sorts of places. Harry Trumbore’s drawing (above) of Africa’s kalanoro, from The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates by Loren Coleman and Patrick Huyghe, inspired Peter Loh’s Kalanoro (below) in the Crypto-Man Comix, written by Scott Marlowe. Wildlife artist Richard Klyver, who spent seven […]

Read: Kalanoro, Yeti and Lux »

Spring Skiing for Bigfoot in Maine: Cryptozoo News Updates

Posted by: Loren Coleman on April 5th, 2007

Today is April 5th. It seems like it should be spring outside, right? Believe it or not, some people think that because I live in Maine, I’m a resident of Canada. I get strange emails. Truth is, on this Thursday I feel like I’m in the Himalayas. This morning there is about a foot of […]

Read: Spring Skiing for Bigfoot in Maine: Cryptozoo News Updates »

Brooding About Bigfooters

Posted by: Loren Coleman on April 4th, 2007

Sometimes I allow my thoughts to drift to trying to understand the “people” part of the Bigfoot quest. In my Bigfoot! The True Story of Apes in America (NY: Paraview Pocket – Simon and Schuster, 2003), I wrote Chapter 15, “The Bigfooters” to detail my thoughts on the matter of the why and the what […]

Read: Brooding About Bigfooters »

Wanted: One Yeti Costume

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 31st, 2007

Do you have an old Yeti costume knocking around your place, which you would loan out for free? Or even a Bigfoot suit that an actor might use for six weeks? An off, off, off Broadway play in New York City wants to talk to you. The Phoenix Theatre Ensemble is mounting a production of […]

Read: Wanted: One Yeti Costume »

Weird Travels Marathon

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 30th, 2007

The Travel Channel has a mini-marathon of “Weird Travels” episodes related to cryptozoology on television right now. March 30, 2007. 1:00 PM Pacific/4:00 PM Eastern “Bigfoot” (with Loren Coleman and Craig Woolheater) 2:00 PM Pacific/5:00 PM Eastern “Lake Monster” (with Loren Coleman) 4:00 PM Pacific/7:00 PM Eastern “Creepy Creatures” (with Loren Coleman) March 31, 2007 […]

Read: Weird Travels Marathon »

Update: Bigfoot Is Back

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 28th, 2007

New historical photographs of the former “Crookston Bigfoot” have been sent to me from the artist who created it. BTW, the big guy’s finally back home in Maine. The photo above is an image of the Bigfoot standing near the RBJ’s Restaurant in Crookston, Wisconsin, with the owner and her staff. As you can see, […]

Read: Update: Bigfoot Is Back »

“We…evolved from larger breasts.”

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 27th, 2007

The representation of an almasty based on some eyewitness reports. Everyone is talking about the new video out of British Columbia. Even “Page Six.” Here’s a snippet from today’s Canadian version of the gossip column: A new video has hit the web showing two brothers being caught off-guard by a dark humanoid creature in a […]

Read: “We…evolved from larger breasts.” »

Sunday Comics: Crypto-Man Meets Mystery Man

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 25th, 2007

It is a strange world when I see things like “My Comic Life” end up on Wikipedia and Boing Boing, frozen in cyberspace. Therefore, here is my update with hints of the upcoming adventures of Crypto-Man and a character based on me. Since it is Sunday in Singapore, the time is right for another irregular […]

Read: Sunday Comics: Crypto-Man Meets Mystery Man »

Olaf the Giant

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 25th, 2007

Remember the earlier posts about Olaf the Giant? Mark A. Hall sends in a clearer copy of a photograph of Olaf with an article that’s easy to read. Click on image for full size version

Read: Olaf the Giant »

A Trail of Tracks in Print

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 24th, 2007

The Real Bigfoot and Genuine Bigfoot Tracks Part 6: A Trail of Tracks in Print by Mark A. Hall A Trail of Tracks in Print There exists a clear trail of success for the appearances of the fake tracks executed by the second set. The one photograph of an Oh-Mah track in Ivan Sanderson’s Abominable […]

Read: A Trail of Tracks in Print »

What’s Your CZ IQ?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 23rd, 2007

Can you identify this mystery fish found on an old postcard? (Click on this image shared by Phyllis Mancz to see full size version.) I know, I know. The above photo is still a mystery, but how about some easier questions? What’s your Cryptozoology IQ? Okay, a couple questions are about aliens, but, overall, this […]

Read: What’s Your CZ IQ? »

New Bigfoot Documentary

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 9th, 2007

Bohbot tracks Bigfoot MONTREAL — The producer of Bigfoot’s Reflection says he was sure of the creature’s existence after wrapping the documentary in the wilds of British Columbia and Washington State earlier this year. The hour-long doc, which will be broadcast on Space in May, takes a fair-minded look at Bigfoot hunters. That is, people […]

Read: New Bigfoot Documentary »

Cryptomundo’s Ultimate CZ FAQs

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 6th, 2007

(Click on image to see full size version, enhanced by shockbeton) Fans, friends, and readers of Cryptomundo, I have an idea that it might be good to have a permanent “Cryptomundo’s Frequently Asked Questions” location attached to the Cryptomundo site. Perhaps it would be via a long blog of answers, or series of blogs. Maybe […]

Read: Cryptomundo’s Ultimate CZ FAQs »

Cruisin’ the Sasquatch Highway

Posted by: Loren Coleman on February 25th, 2007

In a review of this week’s transportation news, I note the names of a couple of my favorite unknown hairy hominoids, who remain on the fast track to a deeper legacy in popular culture. During a caravan tour of the proposed Sasquatch Highway route back in 2003, British Columbia Representative Barry Penner (in the purple […]

Read: Cruisin’ the Sasquatch Highway »

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