Archive for the “Lake Monsters”

Pepie Lake Monster Festival!

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 21st, 2015


Grab your swim trunks and camera and come along on an ol’ fashioned monster hunt as we search for Pepie, the mysterious sea monster of Lake Pepin in attempt to capture the $50,000 reward.

Read: Pepie Lake Monster Festival! »

2015 Original Texas Bigfoot Conference

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 18th, 2015


Read: 2015 Original Texas Bigfoot Conference »

Champ Challenge

Posted by: Katy Elizabeth on May 17th, 2015

You probably are aware of “Champ” the legendary sea monster of Lake Champlain, often dubbed the American Nessie, referring to Scotland’s Loch Ness Monster. Though no concrete evidence exists, no one has disproved him either. Hundreds of people, spanning several centuries, claim to have seen Champ, though descriptions do vary. Champ has been described as being anywhere from 10 to over 150 feet long. Some sightings claim to have seen humps, some claim Champ is snake-like. Some have seen a horse-like head, while others have seen horns or antlers. The famous Sandra Mansi photograph, taken in the late 1970s, provided a visual view of at least something and experts, who examined the photo, claimed it was not a fake.

Read: Champ Challenge »

Strange Creatures Seldom Seen or Reviewed

Posted by: Nick Redfern on May 15th, 2015

“Strange Creatures Seldom Seen is an excellent new book from John Warms, and which is published by Chad Arment’s Coachwhip Publications. A copy of the book was given to me by Chad at last month’s Ohio-based Creature Weekend. And, I have no hesitation in saying that if Cryptozoology is your thing, you’ll want to get hold of a copy of this book.”

Read: Strange Creatures Seldom Seen or Reviewed »

Strange Things in the Woods

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on May 14th, 2015

Have you ever encountered anything strange, weird or odd in the woods? If so, you’re not alone! Welcome to STRANGE THINGS IN THE WOODS, a collection of true, weird encounters by veteran outdoorsman Steve Stockton.

Read: Strange Things in the Woods »

Loch Ness Monster sightings ‘probably otters’

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 14th, 2015


A wildlife expert claims his snap of an otter proves the animals are a common cause of Nessie sightings.

Read: Loch Ness Monster sightings ‘probably otters’ »

Coming Soon-Into The Fray Radio with Shannon LeGro

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on May 6th, 2015

A new, multi-topic show is coming, Into The Fray, hosted by Shannon LeGro. With knowledgeable collaborators in specific fields, we explore the biggest questions ever asked by mankind.

Read: Coming Soon-Into The Fray Radio with Shannon LeGro »

Exploring American Monsters: Arkansas

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 6th, 2015

The state of Arkansas in the southern U.S. is known for its lush green mountains, roaring rivers, and University of Arkansas football. It’s the headquarters of the world’s number one retailer, Wal-Mart, and is the birthplace of musician Johnny Cash, and former U.S. President Bill Clinton. It’s also the home of monsters. The most famous of these is the Fouke Monster, a sasquatch-type creature immortalized in the 1972 movie “The Legend of Boggy Creek.” But this series, “Exploring American Monsters,” isn’t about well-known beasts, it’s about the lesser-known creatures the world sees from the corner of its eye, like the Ozark Howler.

Read: Exploring American Monsters: Arkansas »

More: Is Nessie a Huge Salamander?

Posted by: Steve Plambeck on May 2nd, 2015

…the locals actually did identify and name the animal in question as “the great salamander”, or more simply just “the salamander” for at least two centuries before outsiders came in telling them it must be this or that. There is historical documentation this is how the locals identified the beast long before the press came along trying to sell people on plesiosaurs and long necks. (Long neck sightings are distinctly in the minority in witness reports from Loch Ness, and then usually at distances that would preclude telling a tail from a neck).

Read: More: Is Nessie a Huge Salamander? »

Is Nessie a Huge Salamander?

Posted by: Nick Redfern on May 1st, 2015

“Reports of lake monsters absolutely abound across the entire planet. Amongst the most famous ones are Scotland’s Loch Ness Monster, Ogopogo of Lake Okanagan, and Champ of Lake Champlain. The big question is: if the “things” are real, then what, exactly, are they?”

Read: Is Nessie a Huge Salamander? »

More Info: Boaters Spot Ogopogo

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 29th, 2015

Cryptomundian Spookysr has tipped us off to an article with additional information about this Ogopogo sighting last week.

Read: More Info: Boaters Spot Ogopogo »

$75K for Selfie with Nessie

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 28th, 2015

Marathon Offers $75,000 Reward for Selfie with Loch Ness Monster

Organizers find creative way to boost publicity for the Loch Ness Marathon.

Read: $75K for Selfie with Nessie »

Top scientist at Natural History Museum sacked for insisting ‘I’ve seen Nessie’

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 28th, 2015

Secret files reveal how eminent zoologist Dr Denys Tucker fired from Natural History Museum in 1960 after claiming to have spotted Loch Ness Monster

Read: Top scientist at Natural History Museum sacked for insisting ‘I’ve seen Nessie’ »

Boaters Spot Ogopogo

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 24th, 2015

“It is true, it does exist, I saw it with my own eyes,” says a Kelowna boater of a surprise experience with Ogopogo.

Read: Boaters Spot Ogopogo »

Giant Worms and Lake Monsters

Posted by: Nick Redfern on April 22nd, 2015

“My recent article on the legend of the ‘giant worm’ of Linton, Scotland, led a couple of people to contact me and inquire if I suspect the ‘worms’ of centuries past are the very same creatures that are said to lurk in Loch Ness and other large bodies of waters – in both Scotland and England. Well, yes, I actually do think that’s a very real possibility.”

Read: Giant Worms and Lake Monsters »

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