Archive for the “Lake Monsters”

Believe It Tour Champ Camp – Legendary Lake Monster of Lake Champlain

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 25th, 2010

Believe It Tour Champ Camp

This July 23rd through 25th treat yourself or your entire family to some old-fashioned summer camp fun centered around the legend of Champ, the famous lake monster of Lake Champlain.

For the family or individual that’s interested in cryptozoology and creatures like Champ, Believe it Tour is promising a weekend that any level believer will enjoy. Champ Camp is going to have an exciting schedule of events and workshops that campers can sign up for.

Read: Believe It Tour Champ Camp – Legendary Lake Monster of Lake Champlain »

Indiana’s Devil’s Lake

Posted by: Loren Coleman on June 22nd, 2010

Indeed, this is a special place.

Read: Indiana’s Devil’s Lake »

Bear Lake Monster Revisited

Posted by: Loren Coleman on June 20th, 2010

This time the animal was described as “not more than six or eight feet long, face and head covered with fur or short hair of light spud color, wide spread eyes, and the whole face resembled that of a fox with a pointed snout.”

Read: Bear Lake Monster Revisited »

What’s Your Favorite “Celebrity Cryptid”?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on June 9th, 2010

What about it? Which ones do you like, personally? Images.

Read: What’s Your Favorite “Celebrity Cryptid”? »

Olsen Champ Video: Part Two

Posted by: Loren Coleman on June 6th, 2010

Due to the slow loading of all the elements of this posting, I’ve broken it into two parts. Video. Images.

Read: Olsen Champ Video: Part Two »

Japanese Giant Fish, Part 4 – Mystery Fish of Lake Ashi

Posted by: mystery_man on June 4th, 2010

Lake Ashi, also known as Lake Hakone and by its Japanese name Ashinoko, is located in the Hakone area of Honshu’s Kanagawa prefecture and is famous for its scenic views of majestic Mt. Fuji. The lake is also known for its aquatic mysteries.

Read: Japanese Giant Fish, Part 4 – Mystery Fish of Lake Ashi »

Japanese Giant Fish, Part 3- Giant Trout of Lake Shikotsu

Posted by: mystery_man on June 2nd, 2010

Lake Shikotsu has become well known for its sightings of giant trout reported to be 2 meters (6.6 ft) in length. Giant trout have long been reported by fishermen on the lake, and there are even accounts of whole schools of these huge fish being seen.

Read: Japanese Giant Fish, Part 3- Giant Trout of Lake Shikotsu »


Posted by: Monster Island News on June 1st, 2010

For centuries, the Native Americans around Puget Sound have encountered what can only be described as a living dinosaur. As the legend goes, the first tribes to encounter the creature lived in fear of it, even tried to hunt it down, but as the decades past, the mysterious monster became regarded as ‘sacred’. There are even stories of the monster coming to the aide of the Indians to drive away packs of wild wolves.


Japanese Giant Fish, Part 2 – The Dragon Fish

Posted by: mystery_man on May 31st, 2010

The Dragon Fish, also known in Japanese as the Ryuu Gyo, is a large, mysterious fish with a reptilian appearance that was reported frequently during Japan’s Meiji period (1868 to 1912).

Read: Japanese Giant Fish, Part 2 – The Dragon Fish »

Japanese Giant Fish, Part 1- The Namitarou

Posted by: mystery_man on May 30th, 2010

Giant fish of various types have long been a part of the cryptozoological landscape in Japan. In the coming days, I will be presenting a series of overviews of some of the more well known of these Japanese aquatic enigmas, starting here with Part 1.

Read: Japanese Giant Fish, Part 1- The Namitarou »

Loren on TV: May 23, 2010

Posted by: Loren Coleman on May 23rd, 2010

Cryptozoology re-visits the small screen again.

Read: Loren on TV: May 23, 2010 »

Cinematic Terrors Rise From The Deep – Mermaids, Giant Crabs, Giant Squid And The Lake Van Monster

Posted by: Monster Island News on May 10th, 2010

Finally, filming has begun on what is easily the most ambitious, and turbulent, fantasy film in the history of Chinese cinema, “Empires of the Deep.”

The film, which centers around an undersea kingdom ruled by mermaids, took about a year-and-a-half to get out of the development stages, due to rotating directors, leading ladies, and financial issues, began shooting, in earnest, April 22nd, under the direction of Michael French, who just recently stepped in to replace film maker Jonathan Lawrence, who in turn, replaced the French director Pitof.

Read: Cinematic Terrors Rise From The Deep – Mermaids, Giant Crabs, Giant Squid And The Lake Van Monster »

Jim Wynorski Wants Everyone To Take A ‘Monster Cruise’

Posted by: Monster Island News on April 29th, 2010

In true Wynorski form, the film maker is keeping the plot to this one under wraps until after it premiers, but he did describe it this way, “….a fun filled romp that tells the story of a boy, a boat and a sea monster”.

Read: Jim Wynorski Wants Everyone To Take A ‘Monster Cruise’ »

Big Cats Conference Cancelled: Curses!

Posted by: Loren Coleman on April 9th, 2010

I received an extremely depressing email this morning. For a number of reasons. Images.

Read: Big Cats Conference Cancelled: Curses! »

Seal-Headed Lake Monster

Posted by: Loren Coleman on April 7th, 2010

“Some of the fellows say it is an alligator, but Bill Moeller maintains it is not,” reported the local press.

Read: Seal-Headed Lake Monster »

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